Monday, February 18, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Save the polar bears!


  1. Hellooooooooo..............

    It's a great night in the neighborhood.
    All of JTI land have a great week.
    Chewing aluminum has not stopped the ringing in the ears.
    However , it did work for Gilligan when the professor tuned in the radio frequency in Gilligan s mouth so they could listen to civilization.

  2. It's 7:20 a.m. Here and I'm hanging out in bed here, the girls are still sound asleep.. It's a week vacation for Swedish school children, sporting holiday... The idea is that you are supposed to get out with the family and be active, many take ski vacations now. We are not so much into winter sports, but will go against my nature of hibernating all winter and try to take the girls out during the days to keep them going and active this week.

  3. hmm, if he's trying to moon us, he missed, better luck next time, Mr. Polar Bear

  4. He's a cutie bear.

    legal stranger, chewing aluminum is not supposed to stop the noise, it's supposed to tune it in better. If you want the broadcasts on the secret government frequency to stop, contact your congressman.

    Meantime, talk to Beejay. She's our resident expert on tinnitus.

  5. I was always told when your ere are ringing, someone is thinking about you. If you think about that person, it is supposed to stop. You probably just haven't thought of the right person yet. Let the mind games begin....

    Claiming another 5th. I'm on a roll. Hid.

  6. *Hic.* stupid auto-correct. My dictionary is getting all spammed up with the poor jargon I'm teaching it.

  7. On April 2, Racine voters will have the opportunity to vote on a referendum to allow The City of Racine to raise property taxes at the rate of 5% per year with no expiration date.

    Can you afford this tax increase?

    Why Democracies Fail.

    Racine Exposed

  8. Hello. Have a good day everyone.

  9. I slept last night. ALL NIGHT !!!
    For the past couple of years my sleep has been very irregular. I fall asleep about 10:30 PM no problem. It's staying asleep that's the problem. I wake up between 2:30 to 4:30 AM to go pee and I usually can't fall back to sleep. I read/heard somewhere to take L-theanine before you go to sleep. My financee couldn't find that but the druggist said to take Melatonin+L-theanine. I fell asleep, woke up at 4:15 to pee, went back to bed, fell asleep within 20 minutes, and slept all the way to 6:30. I still feel kind of sleepy and have a slight headache. (one of the side effects) I also felt like I dreamt all night. Very detailed and vivid dreams. Nothing freaky or scary. Pleasant dreams.

    LS, the tin foil is supposed to go ON your head. Not in it.

  10. Hard times for LEE Enterprises again, as cuts are made at The Daily Herald, and rumors of possible cuts at The JT.

    As part of an initiative to hold back expenses, the Daily Herald on Wednesday reduced its workforce by 9 employees across several departments, including news, circulation, finance and graphics.

    The layoffs represent about a 10 percent reduction of force overall. The company continues to be a profitable unit of its parent, Lee Enterprises, a major provider of local news, information and advertising in 51 markets nationally.

    In FURTHER news:

    Randy Wright, the pink-slipped executive editor, had been with the paper for 11 years.

    I phoned Lee headquarters in Davenport to get a comment about the layoffs, knowing that they would (again!) duck my call. A secretary told me this morning that communications vice president Dan Hayes was “unavailable,” and news vice president Joyce Dehli “is in a meeting and is pretty booked up today.” I also left a message for Provo Daily Herald publisher Rona Rahlf.

    Lee, which owns the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and many other papers, is in such terrible shape that even Warren Buffett — one of the few investors who still likes newspapers — is distancing himself from the company.

    It was also RUMORED:

    Another tipster says all Lee newspapers except for the Post-Dispatch, however, will be designed at one of three hubs — they’re in Munster, Madison and Lincoln — by the end of next year.

    >>> “What I’ve been told by current Quad-Cities Times staff is that as many as 12 newsroom positions will be eliminated with this move.”

    >>> A reader says five copy editors at the Racine (Wis.) Journal Times were given notice.

    Good luck - JT Employees!

  11. Next time I am I front of the law safety building and the courthouse, I will try dodge boys suggestion of wearing the aluminum foil around my head. Maybe I should try some antennas like uncle Martin had on my favorite Martian . There are so many anonymous bloggers it would be hard to focus on the individual who is making my ears ring, sort of like are they friendly spirits? Friendly?, just listen ! How about I feature the jtirregulars site for promotion while at the law safety building? Any thoughts about that from jtirregulars land?

  12. Legal... Do we really want to attract doctors, lawyers, begger-man and thieves?

    Who actually buys a local newspaper anymore? Everything you need to know is right here.

  13. I bought the paper. Someone came to my house on Labor Day weekend. Said I could get the paper for 1 year for $50.00. I felt that was a very good deal. I sure wouldn't pay regular price.

  14. $50 for a year is a fair price for the Journal Times. $! a paper for something you can read in ten minutes is insane. There's nothing in it but AP articles and Dickert's lies. I know that the health of a community can be adversely affected by the loss of a community newspaper, but the JT is not a community newspaper and spouts lies that are much more harmful than no lies at all.
    Bye-bye, JT. Good riddance. Your mediocre staff's dedication to mediocrity is finally paying off.

    Patty on, lying Journal Times!

  15. One who still has the Racine Journal Times delivered daily is at least hoping that the paper will rise up to it's community responsibilities of fair and impartial reporting. This is the third year for me, not sure if the paper will be renewed. Family reads the paper and then the paper is used to collect bird droppings.
    For those having trouble sleeping thru the night, try melatonin.

  16. Dodgeboy, I keep odd hours and use generic Benadryl to help me sleep, works wonders for me
