Monday, February 25, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

The same to you and everyone else, Tinker Bell.


  1. Coming in at #2 at 8:09 a.m. Yesterday it was 64 here; today we are under a winter storm warning. OMG. So far just rain but expecting snow by this afternoon.
    We'll take the moisture any way we can down here.

  2. You know I am easily distracted by sparkly things!

  3. #4 and setting up Jed. Snow coming tomorrow with the worst supposed to happen for the afternoon rush time. I think I saw Beejay talking about 80 degree temps.... the brat!

  4. Mary, I saw that on the NOAA site. The NW part of your state was really getting It. The weather service called It a Threat to Life Blizzard. Hell, you lived In Racine. We saw snow when we were kids, most people have still never seen. That's the difference In us weathered folks, and the southern nimrods, and still can't figure snow, and tires out. LOL

  5. I"ll take all the fairy dust we can get on these full moon cranky pants people days,... yikes! spritz those sparkles, Tink, and hurry!

  6. Toad - the Christmas Eve blizzard of 2009 was something no one had seen before down here. Cars stranded everywhere because people didn't listen. I'll never forget the look on one girls face as a news crew told her she was going to freeze to death (she was wearing a hoodie) and asked how she was going to get home. Priceless. I'd have to say people learned a lesson. Gary said last night the stores were crowded and gas lines long.
    Still raining here but it looks like it is starting to turn to snow. No real wind though, yet.

  7. Snow, snow, stay away,
    Come back another day.
