Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Looks like Tuesday is as gaudy as it is happy.


  1. Sitting by a pretty fire and watching snow flakes .... If only the dog weren't snoring so darn loud. Hope all you in JTI land have a p&p day! Spring is around the corner.

  2. I work a short shift today then the plan is canning chicken, monster pot is raring to go, pressure cooker just waiting to go, the house will smell yummy soon!

  3. Last night while walking the dog I passed a tree full of singing, playing birds. They were all Robins which I took as a sign that spring is right around the corner.
    Have a great day everyone.

  4. Looking forward to what crazy pic KK is putting on Bedtime Games tonight.

    Is everyone hibernating?

  5. Wow, Mary.... I bet they are our Robins from here....that is about where I picture they would fly to!

  6. Crazy picture taken. Bloc written and waiting to roll. I think it is "very doable," but that usually seems to be the most difficult for you to figure out.

    This makes#4. Jed, time to slide in and claim the daily! ;> I'll be ready around 4 pm to join you.

  7. Thanks KK...5th... Seems like you have been on the hot streak lately and Mary too. Honestly I lost count. 4pm seems a bit early, but what the heck, all the math and proposals, who cares if they are off a bit. I'd like to say for everyone have a P & P day, but you have all been told to do so already.

  8. Sorry Jed for using your line...you own it...I just borrowed it.

  9. Bring on the "DOABLE" picture.
    It seems the easier the picture is, the more difficult it is.

    Speaking of history and doable, the Pont Neuf Bridge girl IS and is in a doable position. Wowie Zowie!!!

    Ain't nobody got time for hibernating.

    Good thing no robins around here, as they would be frozen to the tundra.

    LM, are you using a pressure pot for the cooking of the chicken?
    Have you ever tried canning fish?

    Role call for Janet, huck finn, Number 6, and others including anonymous es and aliens.

  10. How many irregulars are against Aliens?

    If an alien landed and promised you the BEST SEX EVER, and there was ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE you would get caught....WOULD YOU????

  11. BLB, it doesn't matter, as long as someone tells them all everyday. lol

    I'm talking about the P & P thingy, not the alien sex.

  12. The girl is doable with vegetation growing between her knees. More cushion for pushin'. It is probably part of some bush.

  13. What kind of STDs do aliens have? I hear the Venusian gonorrhea is hell to cure.

  14. BLB, If Aliens landed, and she looked like the one from that movie, way back, with the eggs In the swimming pool, and the sorta fountain of youth the old folks received from swimming In It. I can't remember the name of It, but I sure do remember the girl.

  15. Cocoon was the name of the movie Toad. And a good one I might add.

  16. legal - pressure cooker is for the canning. huge, and I mean HUGE stock put fit all 40 lbs of leg quarters with room for another 10 lbs if I had it. cooked them a little under-done, per pressure cooker book instructions with lots of onion, garlic and salt and pepper, kid #2 said she could smell it all the way outside and our house is fairly air tight

    Trivia question of the day - after getting rid of all skin/bones/cartilage/excess goop, how many wide mouth pint jars do you think I got out of it? answer revealed tomorrow!

  17. Lizmama.... an uneducated guess would be 36 jars (pint). I would think with the skin and bones gone
    it would be close to that and very doable.

    But are these chickens aliens?

    Orbs... you must have discussed
    Venusian Clap before. I never would have thought of safe alien sex....maybe Andromodo has flyers
    or posters or something on the topic. You are so on the ORB (ball)!

  18. Spring is definitely around the corner! I saw my first Red Winged Blackbird of the year last weekend at Bong! There has been reports of Sandhill Cranes, Killdeer and Blue Winged Teals returning to our state. Robins, well however, many do stay year round.

  19. Andromodo likes chicken!!!
    Trivia hint---- wide mouth quarts has larger capacity than original mouth quarts. A quart may not be a quark----get it---human humor. RRRR
    Mr. Orbs never ceases to amaze me of his infinite knowledge of the universes romance scene.
    Venusian gonorrhea was once thought eradicated and cleansed in the universe. However a secret laboratory was maintained by the CYGNUS clan. The CYGNUTS had claimed to keep and study the strain for only research purposes, contrary to universe protocol. (sound familiar?)
    The strain was released on earth thousands of years ago replacing the pleasure of taking a good leak to many a painful pisses. OOh!! Thats got hurt!!!!!!
    OH, Am I BAD --- Back to chicken, chicken soup is not only a delicacy, it can also cure hunger if eaten in the proper amounts at the proper time, DAH....
    More on signs, posters and brochures later........
    Andromodo has spoken

  20. Mary, Last night while I was walking the dogs, I passed gas, the dogs howled, and the birds flew south.
    Speaking of the movie Cacoon.
    BLB has the "fountain of youth" hot tub in her house. How do I know you may ask.
    While in the hot tub, the male's organ whenever,wherever rubbed by the female ---- the wrinkles go away.

    School project:

    The 3rd. grade student's weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on school funding salesmanship.

    Little Sally led off: “I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30,” she said proudly, “My sales approach was to appeal to the public's civic spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.”

    “Very good,” said the teacher.
    Little Jenny was next:

    “I sold magazines,” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone
    that magazines would keep them current on world events.”
    “Very good, Jenny,” said the teacher..

    and this went on and on until....

    eventually, it was Dirty Ernie's turn.

    The teacher held her breath …
    Dirty Ernie walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full
    of cash on the teacher’s desk. “$2,467,” he said.
    “$2,467!” EXCLAIMED the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?”
    “Toothbrushes,” said Dirty Ernie.

    “Toothbrushes!” ECHOED TIME AND TIME again by the teacher, “How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?”

    Ernie gingerly smiled, realizing he had outsold the entire class.

    “I found the busiest corner in town,” said Dirty Ernie, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and gave everybody who walked by a free sample.”

    They all said the same thing, “Hey, this tastes like shit!”
    Then I would say, “It is shit, dog shit that is!. then I gave them my sales pitch " Wanna buy a toothbrush?”

    Where did you learn that from?

    Little Dirty Ernie now stood there with a shit eating grin on his face and STATED......

    “I used the governmental approach of giving you something shitty for free, and then making you pay to get the shitty taste out of your mouth".

    End of today's government lesson...

    Carry On......

  21. LM , without knowing if you are packing the chicken in broth, oil, water or whatever, my guess is 80 widemouth pints.

    Would I have sex with an alien?

    Only if she were blonde, brunette or redhead, between 18 and 80, blind, crippled or crazy.

    Final answer of the night.

  22. I packed the chicken in pretty well, so there wasn't much room for any liquid but I did use the broth that cooking in so nicely provided.
    Sad part, out of 40 lbs, it only produced 13 wide pints... alot of work for that piddly amount, may not do that again, geesh... and yes, wide mouth jars have more room than regular, thus why I was specific :)

  23. What was the cost to produce a pint of canned chicken?

  24. anon, interesting question...
    each 10lb bag of leg quarters were 6.90, so in chicken alone, would be $27.60. I just dumped a bunch of dehydrated onion and garlic in, so I can't even guess the cost of that. I have no clue how much in gas to boil then to pressure cook it either. The seals for the jars were about $2, so just shy of $30 not counting utilitites, and spices, divided by 13, is roughly $2.31 per pint, or just over a dollar per cup (ish). Again, it's not taking up freezer space in it's original bulky form, and is precooked, ready to roll anytime the mood hits :) hope that answers your question! :)
