Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Is that a penguin with butterfly wings?


  1. You would look great in them LM....
    red and yellow?

    Trudging off to M TOWN again.... I must be a cohort to the weather witch.

  2. I just go back from taking Drew to work. Some of the roads are good and a lot of the side streets have not even been plowed yet. The worst one I had to drive on was Nicholson Rd.. Then Four Mile Rd the other side of Nicholson is closed. There is a police car blocking the road. Please everyone stay safe today if you have to go out!

  3. Woooooo hooooooo, snow day and school is closed!! Have we met the state mandated minutes... or do we have to make it up in June? Either way, no pay today, but who cares? I'm enjoying the break from the crazy.

    The weather guys sure missed this one. It dumped, according to the radio this morning, 11.4 inches of snow on our lovely white blanketed city, and there are still light flakes falling. My road has not been plowed, but I'm hearing rumblings of plows elsewhere in the 'hood.

  4. Good Wednesday morning everyone.
    KK - I call these "free days" which means you can do whatever you want.
    Stay in your jammies all day or do a home project that needs to be done and there is never enough time.
    Stay safe!

  5. This winter is trying to cram it all in near the end.
