Saturday, February 2, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

There's a screaming eagle for drew.


  1. Is that one of those Strung out Long Nose Eagles?

  2. Must be insomniac night again. Anyone have a deck of cards?

  3. You guys know how to play cribbage? I could teach ya...

  4. ya all come down ya hear, the fifth is open and pourin

  5. Exactly how many shots are in a fifth? We can all meet at the virtual bar where anything goes....

  6. BL, I believe a 5th has 25 one oz. shots?

  7. I saw some Eagles In Sauk City yesterday. Got a couple decent photos, but they are DAMN hard to find In a blue sky with a small digital camera. I drove through Devil's Lake State Park, and It was amazing how beautiful It was with all the trees covered with a blanket of snow. The Lake itself was hard as a rock, Lots of fish shantys.

  8. That's a nice one, Sheriff! Thanks!

    Toad, Sun Prairie is a hot spot for eagles at this time of the year. (as well as the Fox River Valley between Appleton and Green Bay. Sightings of to 100 eagles at one spot have been reported.

    I know what you mean by taking a picture of an eagle in flight. It is difficult. I have taken pictures of hawks, vultures, owls, geese and such in flight, none of them were really awesome. I usually wait till they are perched. Swallows and Chimney Swifts are almost impossible, even with auto track on the camera, because they are constantly their changing their flight paths with their acrobatic style of flight.

  9. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

    - Abraham Lincoln

    *WARNING* - Political content!

    Fooling The People
