Saturday, February 16, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Have a great weekend.


  1. I declare today as Do Nothing Saturday. And maybe tomorrow too.

  2. Love that picture! Hey, hey... double bonus, a weekend 5th! ;>

  3. Happy Saturday everyone. We got snow again last night which will be gone tomorrow, just like the last one.
    But we will take an precipitation we can get.

  4. ahhhhhh, sleep is awesome! I'm with Dodgeboy, I think a do nothing day is in order, right after I do just a couple things :)

  5. Well Lizzymom... that is NOT a do nothing day now, is it?

    Have a great weekend y'all!

  6. Everyday is a day in paradise in JTI land.

  7. Good afternoon Mr. Orbs and jtirregulars.
    I do hope you all find this weekend pleasant and comfortable.

    Andromodo has spoken

  8. oh BLB, I can do nothing anytime, sometimes you just have to do a little something before nothing to keep the conscience quiet :)

  9. Good evening, andromodo77.

    lizardmom is always doing something, even in her sleep.

  10. Lizard Mom....
    I can hardly ever just sit...I just keep looking at everything that needs to be done. Never can get ahead.

    How do you do it?

  11. BLB - you've heard of selective hearing, I try to practice selective seeing, some things I put off but then get to, others, I can pretend not to see for longer :) my mom is slightly OCD, and I refuse to inherit any part of that :) most days I succeed, others, not so much

  12. So is my mother...and I am opposite!

    She has a white carpet and everything is always perfect. I just don't want to live that way. I enjoy way too many things.

    But on the other hand, get mad when I see how I have to empty out
    and clean the deep dark "secret "
    garage....forbidden for anyone to see.

  13. oh, and Orbs, my dreams had me very active, I killed 2 people and woke up right before I got caught! guess people shouldn't cross me when they are near walk in, lockable freezers, yikes!

  14. Thanks for the warning, LM. The planets must be aligned for bad dreams. I rarely have nightmares, but I had a doozy a couple of weeks ago. It was so bad, I still can't shake it.

  15. orbs, you're just dreamy (and safe!)
    kk, you were actually in the dream, quite a combination of different people in my life, and a very vast and varied group it was. Don't worry kk, I didn't kill you, but for some odd reason, we were sharing some kind of orange fluff thing with fresh blackberries, and you loved it, what in the world was that all about? sleeping in felt great but that dream was a definite trip and I'm not even on the good stuff right now!

  16. Liz... I'm laughing. Sounds like something I'd love. So glad you didn't kill me... lol
