Saturday, February 23, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

We can dream, can't we?


  1. Here! Hot day in store...can't believe this weather...mid 80s in February . Stay warm and dry my friends.

  2. I said I wasn't blogging for a week...

    •Losing track of time and being late for everything because of blogging.

    •Changes in sleep habits and bowel patterns because of blogging or needing to respond to comments.

    Getting up in the middle or the night or very early to check the blog or write the blog, or make comments. Or never going to bed at all.

    Choosing blogging over other things that are fun or pleasurable.
    Or a big excuse to not do some chores.

    It didn't last a day.

    I do not like having any addictions.

  3. Dang and I thought i was 5th WRONG #4

  4. You finally got the hang of that
    proper order of position as we
    previously discussed, Mr. SER.

    : )

  5. That means I win another weekend 5th? Well, roll out the glasses! SER, you can have first pour.

  6. I'm up, but I think I heard my pillow wimper when I left it, oh the guilt!
    Off to a slow start with an ambitious to-do list, we'll see how that goes. The week ahead will be an exhausting one - 6 straight opening shifts, I do think my boss is trying to kill me... caffeine will be my trusty companion for sure!

  7. BL, It's a bitch being popular. BTW, I have been patiently waiting to hear how your "dreaded" test was? I am hoping everything was OK. Should you wish not to discuss, I will certainly understand. Just concerned. I don't know your ass, but am a worrywart. (bet you haven't heard that one In a while)

  8. Goodness gracious a lot of people are up early today. I'm off to do a little shopping today which I hope turns out good.
    Have a good one everyone.

    Beejay - we are going into our third week with snow in the forecast. Not complaining but I'd like to be down there on a beach somewhere.

  9. Toad... Thanks... (heart)!
    As long as you are not a wart on my ass...hahaha

    I posted it one time, but I did have upper and lower....

    Test found I had 3 ulcers (precancerous lesions called Barretts Esophagus)
    and 2 precancerous polyps on lower. Recheck in 2 years and on ulcer meds.

    You are so thoughtful! Highest regards!

  10. BLB - Toad is a great caring guy. Whenever we have tornadoes near here he always calls to make sure we are okay. A good irregular friend.

  11. He is!!! All the guys on this site are very wonderful! AND the women as well!!

    Thanks for the comment, Mary.

  12. BLB, I have Barrett's Esophagus, too. He must have ours.

    Yes, blogging can be addictive. Every now and again someone will quit cold turkey to get their life back together. As for me, this is my life.

  13. Yeah Orbs.... I get it...he took OURS, and we have his junky ones.
    We should meet him in a dark alley.

    I CAN'T quit is fun and I like this site especially.
    Answers come out slow from many
    and then I think I'm pissing people off and get paranoid.

    I like the fun AND the information.
    Plus it is nice to have someone to talk to that is not sick or dead.

  14. PS... nothing against the sick or dead.... its just that we always talk about the same things and I get the same answers every time...
    NONE. (the sick are somewhat better
    in conversing)

  15. BL, and Orb's, I had both two years ago, and the Dr. said I had "Gastritis" I think HE Is full of shit. I don't know what It Is for certain, but, it really isn't all that bad, so to hell with It. I was a perfect Asshole BTW. Frankly after the test, and feeling like nothing was done, I can't prove they did, other than the set of "Family photo's" I got to take home. Glad to hear you don't have anything that needs immediate invasive attention. I only get that esophagus thing once and awhile. I'm going to have to look up this Barretts stuff.

  16. Barrets is caused from GERD....
    You may not know you have it , but it is actually intestinal tissue growing in your lower esophagus. It keeps getting more irritated if left untreated ( turning to ulcerated tissue) Mine is at the precancerous state....not too bad. BUT... if it changes to adenocarcinoma, there is a mortality rate of 85% with less than a year of survival on the average. Proton pump inhibitors
    (prilosec) must be taken indefinately.

  17. BL, I looked It up on Wiki, and I looks just awful. He prescribed Prilosec for me also, but I don't take It, because I don't have the back up problems too often. My Mom had Crohn's, and Diverticulitis, but died of a heart attack. She was alway's miserable.
