Monday, February 4, 2013

"Prolonged TV viewing linked to lower sperm count"

"Men who do little exercise and spend much of their spare time watching TV have lower sperm counts than more active men, a study suggests."

"Clocking up 20 hours a week of TV time appears to be detrimental, the US authors from Harvard say in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

"Yet 15 hours or more of exercise a week boosts semen quality, according to the results in nearly 200 college students.

"The researchers said more studies were needed to explore the possible causes."

Read more:

That's another good reason to give up TV.  I'm sure that sitting in front of a computer monitor is much healthier.


  1. Natural selection at its best. The types of programs watched probably have a statistical significance as well. ;>

  2. Add that to wearing jockey undershorts, instead of boxers, and maybe men could avoid a vasectomy. If you're still fertile, just watch more TV. Or boil your balls.

  3. boil your balls...vasectomy.boil your balls...vasectomy boil your balls...vasectomy

    I'll go with vasectomy because I would be afraid that I may spill boiling water on my legs or feet.

  4. I didn't know you fellows cared about your sperm count. Hmmmmmm.. Testicles are housed outside to keep sperm cool and viable for impregnation.

    Just sit around and let them all hang out. Throw some ice cubes in the mix. Even better... Walk around today outside after cutting a big hole in the crotch of your pants and know the cops will listen.

  5. YUP, that's tops my list of major worries. NOT

  6. BL, I thought they hung out, so they were easier to kick.

    BTW. I never thought about It before, but that makes sense. The Ovaries keep the egg warm, which is why we put our eggs In the Refrigerator? Geez I probably should have learned this In 7th grade huh?

  7. So Toad, you are telling us that you weren't that attentive in sex education ? Hard to believe! Then again....frigidity may have a hidden purpose.

  8. So are we thinking the sagging pants are raising viable spermatozoa counts? Egad... shudder the thought!

  9. Need to drink 8 hours to get that thought out of my head..... Oh my.

  10. Yes, sagging pants help sperm production. Mounting a cooling fan on your genitals will have the same effect.

  11. BL, "Hard to believe" You can believe this that, you can't even imagine. I was the youngest of 5 kids, and about 200 years behind the other 4 regarding life. All I can do about It now, Is shake my head, in disbelief.

  12. Ah, Toad.... you made it this far...don't be so hard on yourself.
    I bet there are many of us that think the same about ourselves just as you do. I was just telling someone that I would find a way to get south and live homeless if I had a very last resort to find. There is always some way...
    BTW I have not found it yet.

  13. Orbs... I have no mounting device on mine. :p

  14. Well, you don't have balls, I hope.


  15. Orb's, You did It again.

    BL. Thanks for the support. Very kind. BTW. I gotta laugh today. Had to go to Came Apart for Dog Food, and the City Ambulance was parking In the lot. (non emergency) The guy, and woman walked In the store, he bought deodorant (twin Pak) and they were headed to the back of the store, for what, I don't know, but thought It was pretty funny, to take the ambulance to K-Mart.

  16. Toad...maybe they were working long shifts and each got a deoderant from the pack. Even tho chiefs frown on it, you gotta do what you gotta do. Shifts can be long if you get stuck on a standby for a structure fire. My pockets are usually packed with useful things. We go to the grocery store and Walgreens while on shift.

    It is worse going in the hearse, tho.
