Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rate the Superbowl Halftime Show


  1. I don't know if it's because I'm getting over being sickly but so far I think the commercials suck.

  2. I think the commercials are a reflection of how bad the economy is. Companies are not spending the mega bucks on them any more.

  3. I STILL don't care much for Beyounce...

  4. I thought Beyonce was trashy. Do you really have to wear leather lingerie, spank yourself, gyrate and spread your legs to perform? I think she is very pretty, extremely talented and has creative know how.... but it looked to me that she sold herself short.

    Madonna embarrassed herself last year. And Janet Jackson bared her chest before that. It is getting to the point that anything seems to go. How can people even let their children watch TV anymore?

    I agree that the commercials were lacking. They are usually my favorite part.

  5. U2, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and Bruce Springsteen were the best half time performers in recent years.

  6. Didn't watch it so thanks for the reviews.

  7. I didn't watch it, either. Online reviews have been mostly positive for Beyonce's gyrations and leg spreading.

  8. I agree with kk that it was really trashy. When my kids were younger I would never let them leave the house looking like that. A lot of their friends dressed like that and I asked their mothers how they could let the kids dress like that. It was just wrong to have a half time show like that knowing the young kids would be watching.

    Some of the commercials were bad but some of them were alright.

  9. What a difference a 2nd half makes. The Budweiser commercial was the best.
    And, it turned into a football game instead of a blow out. Glad I watched.

    Drew - I agree with you on the best bands, hands down.

  10. The best ad turned out to be the Oreo post on Twitter during the blackout. They had executives ready to approve ads created on the spot by their creative team. Based on its success, I think we will see a different model for Super Bowl advertising rapidly evolve next year.
