Thursday, February 7, 2013

This is where the Barbie heads come from

Click to Enlarge


Omg, I think I'm going to be sick...


  1. OOOOOO ORBS......
    Is not an ORB something that is also round?

    I could see an ORB floating in the bloody bath water as well... along with Ken's head!!

    Barbie always has a good head on her shoulders! She ALWAYS makes good choices!!!

  2. I have a bunch of Barbies if some one wants to buy them. Some are pretty fancy and they're all in the orginal boxes...

  3. That plastic smile didn't fool me. Barbie is evil.

  4. Some of the things that concern the Irregulars in this pic CONCERN me....and why doe SER own Barbies in bunches???? Plus he is openly admitting this ONLINE!!

    DodgeBoy... All Barbies are not like Paris..!! least she let them pee before beheading them. Who would want to clean excreations in that scene?

    KK... it also a horror as to
    what you did with the weather..
    or was it that witch?

  5. Too gruesome for me.
    This is why we need political dolls for kids to play with.

  6. Be carefull SER. Some of them are worth a fortune.

  7. I was thinking what Toad said SER. If you do have a few Barbies (I won't go there) in the box you need to do some research. I'm assuming they all have heads? :}
