Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday - Open Blog

Have a bang on Thursday.


  1. I'm hoping the temps go up just enough that it all ends up as rain

    I wonder how many cymbal bangs it took before the polar bear did a back swing to the penguin?

  2. It's gonna be a messy, tough day out there according to the weathermsn. No light, fluffy snow this time around. I'm so not looking forward to it!

  3. I'm with the Lizard lady, Let it rain 60 and 60 nights, a nice slow easy rain tha will soak in the ground and raise the lakes levels.

    Yu'al have a nice day

    Ever been down south? They talk some crazy shit down there; you walk into a restaurant and they say, “how ya do’in darling”! Everybody is “darling”…

    I went to school with a guy who lived just outside of Baton Rue, Louisiana. The guy would not go anywhere without his bottle of Jack Daniels, I mean anywhere. This guy was a trip to talk to with his accent.

    Am I rambling on here…well gotta go…..

  4. guess who gets the 5th? I hope ya'll, even you SER, have a P & P day.

    The latest telephone poll taken by the office of the Governor of Texas asked whether people who live in Texas think illegal immigration is a serious problem.

    A. 35% of respondents answered: "Yes, it is a serious problem"

    B. 65% of respondents answered: "No es una problema serio"

  5. I texted my friend this morning who is getting on a flight to Florida in 10 minutes.
    Thank goodness no snow yet. I didn't mention the thunderstorms they will be flying into.
    Look out for snow you guys. We have rain in the forecast this weekend. Need about 10 inches to get rid of the drought. Don't see that happening.

  6. Snow? I ain't afraid of no stinkin snow! Bring it on Ms. Nature.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yuck..eech.. working in Milwaukee today.. Leaving in a few hours.

    Stay safe everyone. My thoughts are with all of you.

    I was wandering if the people in China say that they are digging to America (OR Amelica)

    Just in the mood for some good Chinese food soon.... I dig it!

  9. I think Main Moon has the best Chinese food. Beef and broccoli or chicken and broccoli are my favorites. Of course you have to have a chicken egg roll and fried rice. (or flied lice)

  10. I get my Chinese food from Whey Chai. Yum.

  11. I went out about 6 PM to get some food. I know, I should have done it yesterday, but yesterday had its own problems.

    It is extremely slippery out there. It looks like the plows can't keep up with the snow. Once it stops snowing, cleanup should be easier.

  12. Kk must be shakin her globes again! Still working but hope to be driving home
    On the fun sleigh ride down the I.

  13. It was very slow going on the way home from work. The snow was heavy and wet and at least 6" deep on my car. Good thing I bought a heavy duty snowbrush/scraper last year.

    Everyone was driving very carefully. Didn't notice too many people pushing the limits, nor the shaking of any globes.

  14. DENY DENY DENY there are unconfirmed reports of kk shaken the globe again, The weather @#$$% has returned with a vengeance and shakin a snow storm.
