Friday, March 29, 2013

happy easter weekend to everyone!


  1. How appropriate, the moon has been full. My sources say they call this full moon the "sap" moon because this is when the Maples are supposedly ready to be tapped.

    Speaking of rabbits, if you haven't read Watership Down and don't know who Fiver is, I highly recommend you look for a copy. It is one of the few books I have read repeatedly.

  2. I hope someone gets up to look for their basket In the morning, and when they find It to be sure to crack an egg on a sister or brothers head. Just don't try the end of the egg. Side of the egg only please.

    Please Remember what Easter Is.

  3. Toad, you really made me laugh. Would have been my brother cracking the egg that way, maybe on his own head. lol
