Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my damp dears.  How are you?  A lot of our snow is melting.  That’s too bad because the ground is still frozen and the moisture just runs off to the sewers.  The runoff may be good for Lake Michigan levels, but we’ll need a lot more rain and snow to take care of that.  I sometimes wonder about the snow piles that the city puts on the lakefront to melt in Pershing Park.  I would think there would be road salt, oil, coolant, and other contaminants in the snow, leaching into the lake.

This coming Sunday, March 17, is Saint Patrick’s Day.  On Saturday, March 16, there will be a Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown.  Erin go bragh!

Dear Ms. B(utt)L(ard) Basketcase:

Please stop calling me fat.  The photo at right comes from an earlier blog: Do you understand?  I can be anything that I want.

Madame Zoltar®

I look forward to seeing all of the Irregulars at the upcoming gathering (except for Ms. B(rawny)L(egs) Basketcase).  I predict that a great time will be had by all.  See you there.

Next up, my dears, is a video entitled  “Saint Patrick's Day: celebrating a life of mission.”  At no time does it mention beer, green or otherwise. 

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.  You’re always welcome.  My favorite part of the week is now my blog.  Here I can be myself without worrying about pretense and profits.  You’re the ones who make it happen.

Need something un-happened?  Contact:

Daffodils, even early tulips, are sprouting near foundations.  Let’s hope that we don’t get another killing frost after so many plants have started to bud.  Mid-March approaches and we’re still battling snowstorms.  Oh my.  Be careful out there.  March winds can blow you over on ice.  Do the mincing steps.  Sapidity!


  1. Madame, I think you look quite svelte in your bikini. Definitely make the other ladies jealous.

  2. The mincing steps: I haven't heard that phrase in decades. :)

    I know Madame and Orbs sometimes ruffle feathers; however, I've always thought it to be a playful art of the tease... (and I've seen some of the spells produced that now keep him from crossing that line) I've never seen my friend this put out or upset. I can't blame her, what woman would publically allow herself to be chastised on the topic of weight?

  3. Earthly women can be so unappreciative of another's energy storage blessings. Bless all the energy endowed.

    Andromodo has spoken

  4. Ohhhh wow.... I am only thinking of her health. Being cruel to be KIND!!!! apologies go out to her, and I have only complimented her on her true beauty within. No insult intended, Madame.... I will treat you and Junior to Banana Splits soon. You are still beautiful, Madame, especially if you could take off that extra 50 or so.
    But you have a pretty face.

    As far as myself...true... I have a big butt, butt ...hehehe... it is
    a desirable trait, especially when travelling to other continents.
    My legs are with brawn, and that has been needed for carrying what lies above. I am proudly flaunt what I got, no brothers can deny.

    Andromodo.... you are right! Women should all be appreciate of the extra reserves of this top fuel....this stored energy could possibly be used to propel your heat sinking missles to their "rightful" destination.

  5. I know songs about big butts exists,
    and how certain cultures adore big butts. Perhaps a fellow JTI can hyperlink the tune on this post.

    Andromodo has spoken

  6. Wierd Al has a video for small butts, too. On Youtube.

    I better lose 20 pounds by the weekend!

  7. andro, I am only aware of the "Butt sisters" and only one by name. Her name Is Bertha Butt. You all my not be aware of the story published In our own JT year's ago now, about the size of the Butt's of the lady's of Racine. I believe they were referred to as "Bubble Butt's"? It was quite a topic of discussion for many months. My ex sister In law took great offense. She was a "Bubble Ass"

  8. Toad, The Jimmy Castor Bunch, troglodyte song about the Butt sisters cracks me up when I hear it.
    I think Andromodo is looking for some of the ethnic songs of which I have no clue to. sock it to me !

  9. As far as myself...a big butt, butt it is a desirable trait, especially when travelling to other continents.

    BLB..that's a fact:

    In the US it's boobies
    Africa it's butts
    India (and around there) its bellies - hence the belly dancers
    China is that's gay :)

  10. SER.... I got em all and I'm taking belly dancing class soon. I will scarf my face to hide my crows feet. But the crows ike them!
    Boobs are great if they perky . Need an iron reinforced wonder bra like atilla the hon to use pogo sticking
