Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mrs. Toad

Two weeks ago, Biggie D and I were at The Icehouse in Punta Gorda, Florida. After one of their fabulous burgers and a pilsner, we left. As I walked to my truck, I spy a white car with a WI personalized license plate. MRS. TOAD. Yesterday, I'm exiting my favorite grocery store, Publix. Yes, that's its name. Anyway in front of me is this white car....yep, Mrs. Toad again. I think she's hanging out in all my favorite haunts. Today, Biggie and I have to pick up a couple things. Will she be popping up again? Time Will tell. Oh, and she was at Bocca Lupo's on Thursday night too. Saw that darn car there as well. You guys send a spy down here?


  1. Beejay, Sorry, It's not us. I'm afraid of Florida, because of their "SHOOT FIRST" law. LOL. I see the name from time to time myself. I probably should have gotten a copyright on It. I think I can prove I have been toad for at least 58 years. Kinda makes me wonder? BTW, had we been near you, we would find you somehow. I also think I would recognize you. I had to get out of the car a few weeks back In Madison, because I though I saw Kelly. The person denied It though? I would have bet on It. Also, I have been to Publix. Karen's rotten son worked there for years.

  2. Beejay, I would have your car inspected for a gps tracking device. To be vigilant is not the same as being paranoid. Too many loonies in this world.

  3. I'm envious. I don't have a stalker. :-(

  4. We all stalk you, orbs. We're just that good that you don't notice. ;>

  5. Lol. But my grocery store? The pizza joint?

    Toad, last week, three people called me by names other than mine and insisted they knew me. Oh my, one was at Publix!

  6. Beejay, Ya, know. When you think about It," Publix", Is a crazy name. Almost as crazy as the "Gund Arena" was In Cleveland. For some reason, I alway's call It Pubic's like Karen did.
