Friday, March 29, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Incredible, too.


  1. Happy Friday! It's supposed to be in the 40's. Hooray!

  2. Fantastic, Wild, Crazy, Incredible, unbelievable, Astonishing, Amazing last Friday of the month…enjoy it……

  3. I keep telling myself it's Friday, but for some reason it seems like Saturday. I think it's time for a nap.

  4. It's Friday!!!!! Weather is good for a few days and there's nothing wrong with that.
    Have a great day everyone.

  5. I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are getting the car packed to go up north. We hope everyone has a Very Happy Easter!

  6. off today, doing more intense spring cleaning and prepping for Sunday with family coming here.
    The only down side to sleeping in is the caffeine headache I wake with , yikes!
    As I sit here, 'my' robin couple is right outside the office window doing their mating ritual, cool and funny at the same time. The used to nest in our front tree that no longer exists, not sure where they nest but they hang out in our front yard. What a cute, frisky little couple :)

  7. You folks are busy. Good thing I'm still working on that 5th from yesterday.

  8. Hot here in Florida, but lucky to be sitting in beautiful surroundings
    while suffering the pain of an end of life situation. But it is God's plan
    and "that's the way it goes!"
    No other way to look at it, cause nothing is going to change.

  9. Even though we all know that life doesn't last forever, and our parents are elderly, it is still gut wrenchingly hard to go through it BLB. We Irregulars are all here for you.

  10. Sinatra said it best in the song

  11. Thanks to all for your prayers and kind wishes!
