Friday, March 8, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

There's our gal.


  1. Betty SMEDDY !!!

    This group needs a little livening up... those winter doldrums got ya.

    But...what's even worse are the Ides of March. No stabbings allowed on that day!

  2. I'm taking the 5th...whatever...It looks like Betty Baybee has herself in a uncompromising position, if you get my drift. Now everyone go have a P & P day, and say hello to Dr. Laura.

  3. Jed, your back! Nice to see you again.

    It's FRIDAY!!!! Have a good one everyone.

  4. Thanks Mary... It sucks having an office room mate now who is the classic nerdy, suck up to the owner, engineer. I think he took today off to go count his nose & ear hairs.

  5. Thanks for the laugh Jed. Problem is a guy just walked by the office and saw me laughing and looked at me like I was nuts.

    I'll give him a break as he doesn't realize I am an irregular.

  6. Jed... can you give us an estimate, does the nose win or do the ears? ;>

    TGIF + Spring Break! Woot!

  7. Let us call it a tie. All I can say KK, is that this guy has more hair coming out of those areas then he has on his head. I told him the other day he should go to a salon and have them braided. However he gets the job done should be on u-tube or at the very least offered as an info- mercial.

    You heard the old saying, grass doesn't grow on a busy street?

    Enjoy TGIF and spring break. I would give you my 5th, but since my office mate is gone, it will be gone as well soon.

  8. KK, Do you WOOT? I love to WOOT.

  9. Good to hear from you, jed.

    I don't care what anyone says, Betty is hot.
