Monday, March 11, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

How patriotic!


  1. wow, I haven't been 1st in a long time, good morning all!!
    If you haven't RSVP'd yet for our get-together, please do :)

  2. I don't know if I've ever been 2nd. Must be the time change.

    Have a good one everyone.

  3. Can we send Betty some irregular cash so she can buy some pants?

  4. Here's a bad day for someone. As I was drving to work there was an accident. A young woman had plowed into a police car.
    Uh oh.

  5. I'm honest, you already know that, but I'll be darned. I have been waiting at least two weeks for an invite, and never received one. I feel so all alone. I'm a kind of spontainious (sp) person, and never know what the hell I'm apt to do? "I'm just a lonely boy, lonely and blue"

  6. My internet went to hell last night. I called TWC and they said there is no outage in the area. Then they tried for half an hour to resolve the issue by phone. Finally, they set up an appointment for today to have a technician look at it.

    When I got up today, the internet worked fine. Just when I was about to call TWC, a technician called me and said he could be right over if I still needed help. He also said there had been an outage that he fixed and resolved the problems of many customers. So, why did TWC lie to me about an outage? Every time you contact that company, somebody gives you a different story. I hate being their customer, but they're fastest in Racine. They have gouged customers for years. When you ask them why they charge so much, they say everybody charges that much. In other words, price has nothing to do with the quality of their product. They gouge us because they can.

  7. That's so true about people and companies that say those hated (by me) words. "everybody else Is, or It could be worse", or If this, if that crap. I alway's tell my wife, "that's like telling a soldier that lost a leg In the war, It could be worse, you could have lost both of them" What the hell consolation Is that? Why does that make It OK? That's a perfect example of why our entire government gets away with what they do. Most people don't care enough to do anything about It.

  8. Orbs - I understand completely. A few weeks ago a Cox technician showed up asking to get into our backyard as the neighbor was experiencing difficulties and the box was in our yard. No problem.
    I was talking to the neighbor and asked him if his HD picture broke up and he replied yes. He had already talked to the technician about it and was told "the power from the outside box to your tv is too strong. Really? It's their damn box, why can't they fix it?
    I just turn it back to the regular channels which are just as good as HD and watch it.

  9. It can be maddening. A few years ago, I was having internet problems and a technician said I needed an amplifier on the line. So he installed one and left. The internet connection was still screwed up, so I called for service again. This time, a different technician told me that the line amplifier was the problem. He took it off and the problem resolved itself.

    In fact, most of my service problems with TWC resolve themselves, as if by magic. Whenever I call about a problem, they cannot fix it and need to send out a technician. More times than not, the problem is resolved before the technician gets here. It's amazing: they swear they can't fix the problem from just their end. Yet they do it almost all of the time.

    Just more lies from a major corporation. It is the way of the world today to lie, lie, and lie. If you call them on their lies, you will be labelled a "problem customer." I've been on their shit list for years. One of their subcontractors swore at me in the old building. I followed up on that. They claim they fired the guy, but I don't believe it. He's probably in another part of the city, swearing at customers there.

    And whatever you do, NEVER call you doctor on his/her lies. I did and the doctor said, "Perhaps you better move on," i.e., get a new doctor.

  10. Toad, please let Liz know about the invite thing. Send her an email to get on our irregular list at You were not purposely ignored. We'd love to have you surprise us!

  11. Toad, I sent your email address to Liz. Hope you get the info. If not, please let us know.

  12. KK, I don't mind. I thought she still had It?
