Thursday, March 14, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Thursday must be thirsty because all of the graphics say so.


  1. that's crazy and I am thirsty. Just had a large glass of OJ and could still go for something ice cold...gezzz

  2. That's a cute squirrel.

    Happy Thursday everybody!

  3. Happy Thursday everyone. We are in for a nice one down here.

  4. Thirsty Thursday and I could drink a fifth. I am stressed about Madame Zolturd. I SHOULD share....But. naw....I'll just buy one to share after I get drunk with this one.

  5. You should be worried, very worried about M. Zoltar. She is not one to pick a fight with. You could wake up with Harry parts... (inside joke) lol

    Soooo.... if any of you have received an email from me, with a link. DON'T CLICK IT. Seems that it was sent very early this morning at 12:07 from the fair country of Jordan. My provider caught the unusual activity and shut down my account, probably not in time to protect my contacts. Grrrr.

    I just spent the entire morning changing passwords and security questions on many online accounts. I should be okay, but let me know if you see anything stranger than I normally send or post. Double Grrrr.

  6. As long as they are not Hairy parts... It's cool then kk!
    I didn't see any of that stuff.... They are financial terrorists out there!

    I will make up with Madame Z some way. She was very beautiful... Too much to be with that fat guy in the pic!

  7. allow me to blow raspberries at this week, it just bites... yesterday I was the most hated person at work, sucks to be the boss.... the ones that pushed my every button couldn't' understand why I wasn't taking their crap and was calling them out... yup, they woke the hostile German temper and will pay... oh the perks of being boss muwahahaha! yup, not one to cross, and let me just blow raspberries one more time with even more oomph :/~~~~~
    Maybe tonite I will finally get some sleep, was too keyed up and mad to sleep last night... didnt help the mood this morning, and my caffeine booster was flat :(
    BLB must be heading to Milwaukee tomorrow, I hear snow is in the forecast - stop going there, woman! geesh! still love ya, but wait til summer to go again, k?

  8. I'm sorry Lizmommy.... I'm there and going there again tomorrow! It really sucks! The weather witch
    Has it out for me, Probably because of my Salem ties and I got a new broom ( may be kk in disguise with her darn snow globe .

    Lizmama... Just remember that God sent you on a mission for your work! Keep your chin high and eyes dry!

    As I often say to myself in Latin...,Illegitimi non carborundum

    (a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down".)

    May the force be with you! God speed! Hugs!

  9. Just checked my email and I got a link from "you," kk. I'll delete it as soon as I pass it on to a few of my enemies.

  10. Ya now what? It just dawned on me that I had TWO e-mails from KK, and opened the one, and noticed It was a spam, and closed It, and the other. I forgot about It until now. I thought, How nice. an e-mail from KK. I wonder what she has to say? Now I remember what It was for. A weight loss product associated with Dr. Oz. I was formulated with berries of some sort. I got the same e-mail last week from "O" Mary.

  11. Dr. OZ? All this who ha over that? Who knew he was such a schiester! And here I thought maybe it was a Los Tres Migeto home video.

  12. Seriously, it looks as if whatever it was, it originated in Jordan, and the link went to everyone in my contact folder. My email account was locked when I tried to login. My email provider recognized it probably wasn't me.

    It directed me to login from a regular computer and required me to answer my selected security questions. Thank goodness I remembered the answers. My provider said the hacker entered correct password information.. so it seems like they hacked my provider to get that?

    Any who.... all is changed, so I hope the drama ends there.

  13. thanks BLB, no worries, just had to vent, my sister had a bad day today and came over for some sister bonding/venting therapy, we're both better now. they claim they like me the best as far as managers go, but I guess they think sometimes they can walk all over me and I'm not putting up with it, they ignited something that shouldn't have gotten lit, once it is, only creative retaliation cures me :) nothing harmful, just reminding them of their place in my world... :) if they don't' like it, I can make it worse! and worse til they learn, we'll see if they're quick studies!

  14. Oh crap Toad, I didn't send that. Have I also been hacked? Geez.

  15. The JTI and Madame Zoltar also received emails from kk.

  16. A month or so ago, I received an email from an acquaintance, but not at my main accounts. All it said was YOU NEED THIS and there was a link. I couldn't resist. It turned out to be an ad for weight loss using green coffee beans. I assume the acquaintance was hacked. Or maybe not. Maybe she was telling me that I'm fat. (She should talk.)

  17. Ah shucks kk, and here I thought you really cared and had connections to the great and powerful Oz. I will still try the space sickness pills anyway.

    Andromodo has spoken

  18. Andromodo..... The whole point is to make some kind of connection....
    and hopefully it would be a strong connection that lasts long enough.
    That is probably alien to you as to what I see. Or maybe you are too frugal to go that far beyond to another dimension.
