Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Enjoy your day.


  1. Okay...so I can't sleep...damnit

  2. I have another morning appointment. I must get to bed.

  3. and I'm up... nice short day, done by 8am, then home to putter about. I have 2 pork butts in the nesco smothered in BBQ sauce, hoping they'll be done when I get home :)
    and why in the world would they call the shoulder the butt? makes no sense to me at all...

  4. Claiming the 5th pretty early. Not that it might be needed. after viewing those pictures orbs posted. Wow.

    Not to mention... the "Exposed" article above. There appears to be a ton of information about potential corrupt transactions, but I found it hard to follow the train of thought... other than the writer hates Dickert and the taxpayers are paying too much for improvements to dying areas and nothing is improving. Sadly, even Milwaukee can do better. Look what they accompliched with businesses in the third ward.

    Nowhere was it mentioned that our state funding was dramatically reduced and the associated burden that placed on an already floundering city. It also did not mention the lack of support for new business, as we recently saw with the Buffalo Wild Wings franchise debockle. (sp?)

    I thought it was said best by the owner of Nelson's Variety that the reality in Racine is people in Racine are trying to put food on the table, and are not in the position of buying art and jewelry.

    Unemployment should be the number one driving force. Where are those 250,000 new jobs the Governor promised? You cant sustain services through a nonexistant tax base. They sure aren't in Racine.. and the jobs he has claimed to have added are not paying living wages.

  5. Hope your day isgoingwell. Rainy day here. Every time I get on my bike and down to the road, the skies open up. Grr. Sable was a it difficult about walking in the rain. Wet grass on her "you know!"

  6. And I am off to Chile today! First trip south of the equator. Flight doesn't leave until mid-afternoon. Tucson->Dallas->Satniago->La Serena. I get a couple of nights on the mountain for photography (better be clear!) and visit lots of the astro sites down there. Should have some internet access, but don't know how good it will be.

  7. Hale, Ziva David aka Cote De Pablo Is from Chile, I think. I'm certain she is busy In Hollywood though. I hope to see her on NCIS tonight.

  8. I know where you're going Mr. Hale Bopp. Read it out on the Daily Mail website.
    Sounds like it is something that would make you do a little dance from the excitement.

    Good luck and enjoy.

  9. couple more minutes and tuesday is down the tubes...
