Saturday, March 2, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Thank you for starting and ending our week, Tinker Bell.


  1. Thank you, Tinker Bell. Say hey to Peter Pan.

  2. I wonder if Tinker has any good "Magic Dust"...

  3. my weekend doesn't start til after 8 this morning when I get out of work.

    Watch your email - get-together info was sent this morning. If you didn't receive it, please let me know ASAP so I can get it to you - thanks!

    (Dodgeboy, still need your email address so I can send it to you)

  4. Welllllll....Where's that ho Betty?

    When you finally have a day off ,
    why is there that game called Catchup? I wish Tinkerbell can work some magic for all of us.

  5. I am off to buy things for the garden. We are late in planting potatoes and carrots and things. Have a good day everyone. It's cold down here.

  6. Mary, Geez, It's 75 up here.

  7. We are at 27 with a real feel of 17. The snow is piled high. What up with that?

    Mary, am I mistaken, or didn't you guys just have a blizzard?

  8. P.s. just marked and removed 2 more spam comments for Cialis from this active blog. They are really after us lately. Did someone mention a need for such products? ;>

  9. What a DORK I am. i missed Drew, and Tender Heart, today. They were here In Mauston early to see the BIG Owl, and left about an hour before I bothered to look at Facebook, and found a note from them. Anyhow they will certainly post the news of their adventure, to God's forgotten countryside.

  10. KK, I was going to ask the Sheriff, if they couldn't ban this person, but forgot, when I posted to this blog. So far as needing Cialis, I'm pretty certain It would only kill me. One or the other would for sure.

  11. Toad- Next time we come out that way we will try to let you know sooner. Sorry we missed you this time. Maybe next time I will call you since we have each others phone numbers. To bad you couldn't come this way for the get together.

  12. KK - the only snow we got was a dusting. Businesses closed on Monday because of the storm and at that time (and for most of the time) it just rained. Err on the side of caution.

  13. What irks me is that the spam filter will completely miss, or mark for moderation, a spambot post in one blog while blocking the same post in a different blog.

    Also if the post is from Anonymous, and contains words like cialis or viagra along with a link or url address, then it's SPAM. Block it!

  14. What really irks me is that Mary talks about planting in the garden while we have a couple of feet of snow on the ground.

  15. Tender Heart/Drew, That would be great. About the only place we have In town, Is the Kwik Trip you were at, and the Park Oasis on the other side of the underpass.

    I went to the site about 5:00 p.m. with my wife, and the Owl was still pearched on that broken tree. I didn't even see It at first. A bunch of people with 4 thousand dollar cameras were there. I got some photos, and with a little adjustment ONE Is kinda neat. While I was playing with my camera, the Owl took off, and flew about two feet over my head to another tree.

  16. That is great that you saw the owl Toad!
