Friday, March 8, 2013


Ok boys and girls, 
our upcoming get-together is just a week away,
next Saturday. 
I've heard from a couple, now time to hear from the rest
if you can make it or not. 
Cyg, Andy, Fungi, and the rest of the gang, 
please RSVP here so we have a rough head count.
If for any reason you didn't receive the info email, 
please let me know, and I will re-send it.
Thanks bunches!
Love, Lizardmom  


  1. 3 for sures - THB and Drew, as well as myself.
    1 that can't, Jed :(

  2. woo hoo!! who's next? I hope we didn't scare Cyg away, we're so super protective of our group, but Cyg is one of ours too

  3. I'm in.

    I'd like to point out that attendance at gatherings is not mandatory for Irregulars. At first, I was freaked out at the prospect of meeting people from the internet. But then the Journal Times crapped on us so bad that I felt I had to do something. Thanks, JT, for driving us to form a group.

    I enjoy the gatherings now, but completely understand and empathize with those who don't. I'm generally antisocial. I believe that part of the reason I've turned nocturnal is that there are less people to deal with than during the day.

    If you're bashful, I encourage you to give us a try. We don't bite; at least, not at first.

  4. or provoked :)

    Oh, we're a harmless bunch, don't worry!

  5. Yup, I will be there.
    Yup, Orbs is right about the freaks on the internet.
    Yup, LM got er rite as most are harmless.
    Yup, most are crazy like Basketcase.
    Yup, most have suffered frostbite of the brain.

  6. lizardmom- Of course we have to be there I have the JTI sign that you told me to bring to the get together. I still have it and I will bring it.

    I remember when Drew brought me to my first get together I didn't know what to think of it but I really enjoyed meeting everyone and I enjoyed it. It was when Why Not and the family came in and it was also Jeds first time meeting everyone also.

  7. where is Ms. KKK and is she coming?
    Is she well after getting her mentionables all soaked and got chilled?

  8. OOPS..... KK...sorry again... quick on the draw.

  9. Eccentic, electric, crazy, lazy, now Ms. KKK??? typo or new I.D.?
    Are we now expected to dress in white at meetings?
    I once again motion for discussion on the agenda of the issuance of press identification for members of JTI.
    Carry on!

  10. Yikes. Let's not add add the triple k.. o -k? I'm a totally equal opportunity offender.

    I'm here... you can add the word exhausted to that list. The (yet again) new job is wearing me down. Maybe I'll swap out with Jed for the hairy nose and ear guy?

  11. No one gets to be called crazy...but ME. I own that word!

  12. I'll be there I need a good Chuckle
