Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Incredible Edible Egg

How do you like your eggs?


  1. Pooched? Gotta love SER. I do! :)

    Actually, my real answer is all of the above. (maybe not the raw one in beer)

    I was so happy when the newest consensus and study came out about eggs not having a hand in raising cholesterol. Eat up!

  2. Laugh'in...Pooched, those must be little doggie eggs....gezzzz

    Eggs are bad milk is bad, WTF, people been eating those forever.

    I too am glad they say their good for you because I love them

  3. Awww... you should have left it. I thought it was cute! HEY, it is 50 out there!

  4. The only way I don't like them Is "Sunny Side Up" I don't mind the "Snot" with beer, but not on my plate. I love egg's.

  5. I forgot to WARN you. IF you eat egg's In you beer, be CERTAIN to break the yolk between you teeth before you swallow. It won't digest otherwise, and the stomach ache that you will get Is AMAZING at best.

  6. Sunny side up or over easy. I can never make them over easy at home because I always break the yolk.

    If you go to Kewpee's in the morning, they'll put egg on your burger if you want it.

  7. Orb's, When I still lived In Racine (pre 1992) I would stop at Kewpee's on the way to work In the morning. Like 6:30 or so. Just to have a hard roll with butter. That's when Dave was still owner. Rick had already moved on. I loved the banter, between all of us. I miss that more than anything I think. I can't imagine It's as much fun without Dave, and his politics. I would love to hear him now. I wonder If the Black Reverend (crippled) Is still around?

  8. Orbs, if you like over easy, but break them when you flip, try this: crack them and fry for a few seconds, then add a small amount of water to the pan. Cover it immediately and turn the heat down. Let it sit for a minute or so to steam the top of the egg until the yolk is as runny or solid as you like. This is my favorite way to cook them.

  9. Toad, Dave still writes letters to the editor of the Journal Times.

    kk, whenever I fry eggs, I cover the pan so the yolks will skin over. Never added water, though.

  10. I love my eggs! Of course, my basic three food groups would be ham, eggs and cheese! On the weekends I'll cook a monster breakfast that will include a ham and cheese omelet.

  11. I had to go with scrambled, because if they're not, I really don't like the whites. I will separate the eggs and cook just the yolks with the little bit of white I couldn't get rid of, then cheat cook them sunny side up (can't flip without breaking), the yolks have to be runny, and eaten with english muffins, then the rest eaten on a muffin as a sandwich. Scrambled don't require as much work, so they win :)

  12. Try the water trick. You'll like it. You don't need much, maybe a couple tablespoons, they shouldn't be swimming.
