Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Trojan Condoms Unrolled"

Remember to always wear protection.


  1. You know what the say, "Rap it up before you rip it up"!

  2. Two dips? It's the third dip that counts. This gives me an idea. I think I will buy a pack at WalMart tommorow, just for shits and giggles. It will be a riot to see the face of the clerk when she scans them. Maybe I'll ask her If she thinks I bought enough?

  3. In Chicago, my wife and I once stopped at a local pharmacy to get some protection. They were out of everything except "Rough Riders" studded condoms. We got some and laughed and laughed.

    I'm surprised that they still make them. Thirty years ago they had a topless woman riding a horse on the package. Today they have a stylized drawing of a woman on a motorcycle:
