Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's Your Internet Connection Speed?

That's my speed above. It's high for me.  Road Runner Turbo promises only 15Mbps download speed.

Take the test and see your results: Just click on "Begin Test" and let it happen.


  1. Now that we've openly measured, I feel very inferior. Mine is not as big as yours. ;>

  2. Mine gets smaller and bigger. Ahem. Seriously, cable speed depends upon local traffic. TWC offers at least three levels of internet service. I have Road Runner Turbo which is supposed to be the fastest for home use. They also offer business class service, which is even faster. I pay through the nose for this. Currently $71.36 per month and ever rising.

  3. P.S. I'm swapping out my modem tomorrow. Even though everything is fine now, it doesn't mean I won't have more trouble. I don't want them telling me that my modem is "all burned up inside" again.

  4. Ping Download Upload
    12ms - 25.56 Mbps - 0.98 Mbps

    I have a wireless router but this computer is hardwire to the router. Although the wireless is running all the time.

  5. I've had TWC for just a little over a year. I got the bundle, phone, internet and TV with the DVR. It was $100 a month but now my year deal is up and it went up to $125 + tax. That's still $50 cheaper than when I had AT&T for phone and internet $100 a month and Dish Network $75 a month. (that went out everytime it rained, snowed, or got foggy, or sunny or the wind blew)

    I have the entry level connection speed and I'm at 30.7 download and .98 upload.

    I got a notice in my TWC bill a couple of months ago. Right now I'm "renting" my modem for $3.25 a month. They said I could return it and buy my own and gave me a list of compatable modems.

  6. 12.18 and 1.28 That Is mine. What does that mean?

  7. Toad, your download speed is about average for what we call high speed internet.

    TWC had me swapping out so many modems one year that I bought my own. Problem is, if the modem goes down, you have to get another one. When you rent from TWC they repair (supposedly) it. I returned the bought one and stayed with TWC modems. I'm still gonna swap mine out later today, I hope.

  8. I got a new modem. Same old shit from the TWC employee. He told me that I didn't need to swap out my modem if it is working OK. I explained and explained to him that one of the technicians told me the old modem was no good. even though I know it was alright. When the rep said, "I wouldn't swap it out," I almost lost it. I get different answers from each and every employee in customer support. This is not a new problem - it has persisted for decades. I am so sick of losing time and chasing all over town to fix THEIR problem on my account. Complete and utter assholes - that's what you get with a monopoly.
