Thursday, April 18, 2013

For MinnesotaChick

Submitted by legal stranger.


  1. On May 2nd many years ago, I went up North with some buddies to fish on one of the lakes near Minocqua. This Is just the kind of weather we had. It snowed, and I believe the temperature was In the single digits. We stayed on the water for perhaps a half hour.

  2. Tender Heart and I went to Horicon yesterday to do some birding. There was still patches of snow on the ground there. From what I've heard, many spots in northern Wisconsin is still snow covered with more on the way.

    This is creating a bit of a traffic jam in the state. The juncos and other winter birds should be gone by now while the loons are packing up the lakes around here, unable to get further north.

  3. That's funny. On the weather last night they were joking they were going to be ice fishing at the opener!
    Yes.. We got a nice dumping of snow over the last couple days.

  4. This is the spring that wasn't.
