Friday, April 12, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Betty could give Minnie a run for her money.


  1. oh Betty, what a jealous, attention hungry beast...

  2. Morning. Baking cookies to take to grandma this morning. Have a good one.

  3. Betty is just " needy".... Sheriff. How about some pics for us girls one day!?

    Hopefully home next week for a bit!

  4. I just got home from taking Drew to work and Trout Pond on 4mile rd is flooded, then on 5mile rd the Root River is flooded going into the park there on both sides of the road. Yesterday when we went out after Drew came home from work the water was rushing on the Root River by Northwestern. If you do go out just watch out for the flooded areas. I will try to get some pictures of the river today and post them up later.

    When Drew gets off of work today we have to go out to Whitewater to pick my daughter up today. I am just worried about the little ponds and lakes out that way.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  5. Ah, Friday. Leaving early as I have to go to the Vet to see if this little Angel I found has a chip in her.

    Have a great day everyone.

  6. Alway's nice to wake up with 2 inches of snow on the ground.

  7. Spring in Wisconsin: snow and floods. It will rain like hell for a few weeks, then we won't see any rain for 6 months.
