Monday, April 15, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

How's that one, ladies?


  1. I knew something was pulling me back to bed :)

  2. Is it wrong to think of another man to be handsome?

    Go P & P everyone.

  3. Jed, I don't think so. I guess If they are, they are. Just like women. I guess I could say, Jeff Chandler was handsome. My mother certainly thought he was. I think Anderson Cooper Is perhaps the current Jeff Chandler?

  4. Never understood why men feel like they have to ask that.. I as a woman can find other women attractive/beautiful.. As for this man, uhhh.. yum.. sorry

  5. So you all are saying it's OK to find another man attractive? It doesn't mean I'm gay or anything, right? Not that there is anything wrong with that. lol

  6. AC is gay, I just found that out. Please nobody ask me how. lol

  7. Jed, I am Nobody, so per your request, so how did you find out, also I am confused by Why Not's answer, she says yum, then sorry.

  8. Yes Jed, it is okay. Just like it is okay for one woman to give a compliment to another.

  9. Yea, but Mary when you women give out compliments, you never mean them or mean the exact opposite of what you are complimenting. Do I know the opposite sex or what?

  10. Not true Jed. We don't mean them when we know the person and don't want to hurt their feelings.
    If they are a stranger, no reason to lie, especially when you like what they have on. Doesn't mean we want to kill the bitch and take her clothes. :}

  11. why not - yum, definitely, and don't be sorry for the comment! :) let's see what the other days of the week bring us long forgotten ladies!

  12. Yes, Anderson Cooper Is Gay, but doesn't really flaunt It. I don't personally have anything against Gay people, but I do appreciate not flaunting It. It's kinda like the old "Get a room" comment. I'm not a fan of OVERT expression of affection In public, taking into consideration special moments. I think spontaneous display of affection, Is kinda neat. A good example of this, would be a soldier returning from War, and the spontaneous show of affection, by either sex.

  13. Maybe you're not gay, just bi- curious.

  14. That's a good one Orb's. Maybe we can get It In the dictionary?

  15. The best bi-curious cartoon:

    I think Johnny Depp is good looking. I don't know too many of today's movie stars, or rock stars, or sports stars. I like Wesley Snipes' chiseled look.

  16. One thing I have learned in life is women are much more critical of other women then men are.

    If a guy is walking down the street and his hair is a mess, another guy will just look. If it is a woman, the other women will say, “you see that stanks hair she must not own a brush…..”!

  17. He's still there in the morning?
