Monday, April 8, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

May your day be a pleasant one.


  1. good morning all!
    Not much sleep last night, one of my cousins got me hooked on a game - 4 pics, 1 word. I was heading to bed around 5 when I noticed it finally downloaded to my Kindle and I started playing.. addicting! It makes you think, and I think that's why reactivated my brain so I couldn't sleep... no more of that before bed, geesh!

  2. good morning.. It's spring here again finally, although we still have a little bit of snow left on the ground most of it is gone.. this past weekend I spend a day and broke up the ice on our back patio washed up a couple of patio chairs and could sit out in the sun relatively comfortable with a sweater on . We did our first grill out as well after I could get to it again.. Today I'm hanging laundry out to dry again.. I love being able to do that, hate having it hanging around the house.. good sign that summer will come..

  3. Good morning all. Have a great day.

  4. Give me my 5th...This week sucks already.

    Everyone go P & P, except Louisville

  5. I'll second on the sucking aspect. I'm home with the flu. Thank goodness it isn't the stomach flu. Can't tell you the last time I sported a 101 temperature. :(

  6. Sorry KK, you can have my 5th, I hear Glenlivet does wonders for that.

    Feel better.

  7. SER.......the world is cruel, unforgiving ... Lets go join the circus!
    Lizmommy ... What game is that... I need it my mind is shot!
    WhyNot....,ahhh you have spring fever ... Cooking out!
    Jed... Cheers and pp to u too
    Kk ... If I were home I carry hot toddies in my med bag
    ( I truly am a red neck medical provider) and would help u!.
    Mary... I'll be coming around the mountains just to meet u! I got 6 white camels of KK's I need to return.
    Christmas time again for JTIs. Fa la la la laaaaaaaaaaa
    La la la la! Don be now our gay apparel!

  8. Thanks, but I'll pass on the hooch. Dear God... make this stop! I trade you one shot for 2 Tylenol.

    I'm the one with a fever, but I believe BLB is delusional. p.s. you can keep those foul breath camels. :)

  9. BLB, it's called 4 pics, 1 word
    it may drive you crazy but it makes you think, which is what kept me up too late, even after I went to bed, my mind was still trying to figure out the ones I missed...

  10. Kk you want that every other day. Your always dunking and sharing the fifth. Hrrrrruumph

  11. Retro KK? Breaking out the dew & clothes from the 60's I see.

  12. Delusional... Wow ! Me? You talking bout me being
    Delusional.. Wicked delusional maybe. Just ask the camels! I love their humps. And their breath.

  13. That's bed head and cranky kk's avatar.

    Alcohol is a preservative and a disinfectant. Too bad the tummy is saying NO!

  14. Ok. We all have bad hair days.... Get a Brazilian blow out!

    I'm suffering sitting here next to a pool and waterfall
    But feel like breaking down and having a cocktail cause
    This is a sad bad day but trying to make the best of it.

  15. Yikes...I had a good day. Lol. Kk, hope you feel better soon. Oh, poor thing.

  16. Take care of yourself, kk. Hopefully, you got the 24 hour bug.
