Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

That's beautiful.


  1. yesterday was painfully long and today will be a repeat, yikes...
    the upside - it's supposed to be really warm out, we may have finally dodged the cold stuff for now!

  2. Don't think so LM. We are in the 80's but by Thursday the weatherman said snow is a possibility in Northern Oklahoma. Back in the 30's by Friday morning. Geez.

    But I will enjoy the 80's today when I get out of work. Have a great day everyone.

  3. I'm hurting, exhausted and cranky. Okay, I said it. It is beautiful weather out there. The doors are open and I hear the birds singing.

  4. It's a great spring day, enjoy it while we got it.

  5. Hi ho hi ho ....off to work I go ! Enjoy it if you are not going to work..... I will suffer it for you.

  6. It's a beautiful day. Much needed after all of the crap weather we have had.

  7. Does make one think that spring could actually be around the corner.

  8. Spring is here! I've been seeing warblers already.

  9. My rose bushes are buding new stems, the parsley and chives are coming up, and I noticed that many leaf buds on trees are ready to pop. Yea.

  10. I got lotsa chives too....and a cardinal nest by my back door. This has been an extremely bipolar spring. The Weather Witch is schizo.
