Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Spring? Why does it still feel like winter?


  1. April showers bring May flowers....I wonder what April snow brings....."Bitching"?

  2. We are supposed to get 6-8" of snow wed-thurs.
    this sucks. I just started seeing grass and sprouts of flowers! WTH?

  3. I want to find a cave and pretend to be a bear, somebody wake me if it ever warms up..., I'll be the one snoring in the furthest corner

  4. I'm generating enough heat for all of you. Grrrr. Still 100+ this morning, but I don't think you want to cozy up to me.

  5. Sorry you're sick KK. Last week Saturday I went to bed about 11PM. I woke up at 1 Sunday morning and had to go to the bathroom. I went 5 more times in the next hour. Then I felt freezing cold. Sunday morning I had a 101 fever. I was so weak I could barely make it out to the kitchen. I fell asleep Sunday night, woke up about midnight drenched in sweat and my fever was gone. I was still weak and very tired for the next four days. I don't know if it was the flu or just something I ate.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Poor, kk, get well, already!

    Good morning to the rest of you. I'm back on my bike.....ten miles this morning.

    Going to walk The. Butt (aka Sable), then cooking....stuck here waiting for delivery of some stupid appliances. I would rather have spent that money on something else...something that would generate entertainment as opposed to toil!

    Have a very pleasant day.

  7. Sorry your sick KK. Maybe you will have to stay home a few days during the snowstorm.
    We are supposed to get nasty storms and then it will be cold again.
    Will have to cover the garden so the vege's stay good. We had 4 stalks of asparagus the other night that was SOOO GOOD!

  8. Thanks guys for the well wishes, I think (hope) I'm on the road to recovery. My head is feeling a little clearer. I see now why old folks line up to get the flu shot. Fever and aches in old-ish bones is no joke!

  9. KK, WOW, what do you have? That's way too high for even a youngster like you. You didn't eat any of those recalled cheese bites etc. from that FARM whatever the name Is company did you? Their loaded with e-coli. Don't forget, warm 7-up, Soda Crackers, and lots of rest.

  10. DodgeBoy, Did you have Chinese Food? If not, Don't eat any fried cheese snacks, and follow my directions, unless of course your ok now, In which case Go To Work.

  11. Snow? Oh petunias! Poor MinnesotaChick!

    Won't tell you about our weather.

  12. Mary, How nice. You each got two Asparagras for dinner. Did you pour a sauce over them? BTW. The weather for you guy's Is nothing but AWFUL looking. Keep your eye's and ear's open for alerts.

    May Daughter, Friend, and 5 Kids are flying out of Denver this morning? Getting there was their first time flying, and they didn't care for It. Now they have to deal with this. I sit here 1000 miles away, and can't do a thing but wait, and see. I think I'll go Free Fall diving with Orb's. Seems like more fun than I'm having now?

  13. Floods in the forecast, now the weather witch is really going to have her way. Showers, snow, flu, Chinese food, bird flu, rejoice, Mother Nature is just getting WARMED up for spring.
    Get well soon kk

    Thought for the day:
    If laws were written to make it illegal to be sick, would it really make a difference?

  14. No Toad, they were plain and somehow Gary kept them separate from the store bought ones we also had and the difference in taste was unbelievable.

    As for your daughter, I read where 300 flights have been cancelled so far and that was earlier today.
    Denver is not the place I would want to be today. A 77 degree temperature drop. No thank you.

  15. City of Racine Officials and the Siren go NUTZ!

  16. Still stick on Florida and looking forward to LS arriving

  17. Oh goodie, we are under a winter weather advisory. I wonder when the tornado watches will go up.

  18. No tornado watch,it's a thunderstorm watch. Two hours ago I walked the dog and it was 82. Right now it's in the 50's and dropping. Hope this isn't heading your way.

  19. All this sick talk makes me wanna puke.half the people in the hospital need to stay home and wait it out before
    Going in. Most are just attention seekers

    Aggravating whiners!

  20. DodgeBoy and kk, that's the flu. I was bedridden for three days when I got it. I got the flu shot, but still got the flu. They say the inoculation was only 9% effective in senior citizens.

    "Property Reports" is now in our Local Blogs sidebar.

  21. KK, I can make a killer margarita for ya, don’t know if it will take the flu away, but it will put a smile on your face….!
