Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Betty's back.


  1. Happy Wednesday to Betty and everyone reading this.

  2. Morning World...nice cool day out there today.

    Did everyone enjoy summer? We had a couple hours of nice weather on Monday.

  3. Dedicated to ORBS, SER, and the other TOONS....possibly Madame Z.

    Stolen from the net by BLB
    written by Gershon Hepner, whoever the f....he is....

    When I cannot fall asleep,
    Tho very drowsily I would droop,
    I don’t resort to counting sheep,
    but fantasize that Betty Boop
    is lying with me in my bed,
    and I’m the man who rescued her
    from Ringmaster, whom she would dread
    because he acted as masseur
    of legs and other private parts,
    including her boop-Oop-A-Doop.

    To me she’d show her bedroom smarts
    in gratitude, and we would group
    upon the sheets athletically,
    and satisfy each other’s need
    until I drooped pathetically,
    or Betty was so full of seed
    that there was nothing more for me
    to do but fall asleep, which I
    would do, and maybe dream that she
    would wake my corpus delicti.

    Blogger critique by BLB
    This is what has become of men
    in these modern day scenarios. It is indeed a threat to human woman in our society. Bedroom terrorism
    (Toonerism) is now in effect. Women in pure naivety think of
    themselves as the worshipped one.
    But ladies...let me tell you....
    this is no longer the fact, as men
    have gone to a new level in bed with Toonerism. They are not thinking of you are a dedicated wife, GF, or FWB (friend with benefits) or whatever you are.
    Men are tired of the BS that goes along with a relationship....these
    unhuman cybersluts don't cost them
    anything they think...WRONG. They do not realize that their own sanity will be destroyed and when the human woman finds out there will be "scorched earth", but in another level also. This is happening out there... I will write more on this another day.

  4. Okey dokie, then. Good morning Ms. Boop. Somehow, I find Betty to be easier on the system than the "hunks" we had last week.

    Dealing with a real human takes effort, dealing with a fantasy toon takes nothing. I think it lends more to laziness. Maybe because women are doing more, men feel there is less to do? They've given up?

  5. The hunks that were picked out were obviously picked out by the other hunks on JTI.... 8>

  6. Coming in late as I had a dentist appointment at 8:00. Who the hell made that appointment; oh I did. As I was getting my impression made for a crown I got a call saying my luggage was here and they were getting ready to deliver. Oh oh. But things worked out and shortly I will have all my stuff.
    Thank goodness for that.
    We had the coldest April 23rd on record and freezing temps last night. Hopefully this is it.

  7. "Scorched Earth"


    "Bedtime Games"


    "Pressure Pots"

    Next the FBI will be arresting theJTIrr's for the

    BTW - Welcome back Betty- you ROCK!

  8. I have 3 pressure copiers in my kitchen. I believe they are all Presto. Does this mean I'm on their watch list? Oh my!

  9. Not copiers... cookers. Why does auto correct think it knows me?

  10. Yeah , terrorizing us irregulars with bedtime games.

  11. Pressure copiers sounds like it can make a much bigger impact. Like the pressed ham you can make when sitting on the copier....

  12. The only terrorism weapon I have is this microbial ticking bomb I've been carrying around for the past 3 weeks. So glad I didn't share it at the last get-together.

  13. KK, you brand name shopper you...



    KK, I suggest you turn in those pressure cookers before you are raided by the feds.

    Have you registered them yet?

    As elements of mass destruction, could THEY ALSO BE REFERRING to your cooking? lmao

  14. They'll get my pressure cooker when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

  15. How much pressure can u cook with at one time to own 3 of them? I think there will also be a limit to how many one woman can own in her home! Cooking IS just too much pressure . I'd suggest she turn herself in.
