Thursday, May 2, 2013

Alderman Jim Kaplan Recall

From an anonymous email:

"Recall on Kaplan should be official as of today. They are going to meet to gather signatures on Saturday -

'The Kaplan recall committee has been formed and the official paperwork was given to the city clerk this morning. Reasons for the recall were 1. Ald. Kaplan engaged in discriminatory practices in his official capacity as alderman of the fourth district. 2. Abuse of power. The petitioner is Oscar Bueno the treasurer is Ray Bueno his brother. They own a bar  at 1600 Douglas Ave., it is not open as of yet.'
"A signature drive is being held this Saturday at 12:00 meeting at the bar. The hope is to collect all 300 plus signatures that day."
Obviously, some people are pissed off.  Kaplan and Alderman Greg Helding told the Common Council that they were threatened online. They provided no proof.  Now the Common Council is packing heat in City Hall while citizens are forbidden from doing the same.


  1. Question: Do you have to reside in Kaplan’s or Alderman Greg Helding’s district to sign the petition(s)?

  2. It's only Kaplan who is being recalled, so far. I assume you have to live in his district, the 4th, in order to sign the form

    I was wondering if people from outside of Kaplan's district are allowed to collect signatures?

  3. Jim Kaplan is being RECALLED!

    The 4thDistrict Recall Committee

    The Fourth District Recall Committee announces the first step in the official recall of Aldermen James Kaplan of the fourth district in Racine Wisconsin. On May 2, 2013, the official filing of the recall petition with the City Clerk was completed. The petition states, "abuse of power "the petition also stated "Alderman Kaplan engaged in discriminatory practices in his capacity as alderman of the forth district. Oscar Bueno the petitioner stated " I've watched all the business he's closed and the problems my brother and other persons of color have trying to open a business in the 4th district, and decided something had to be done. Bueno also stated "I am not a candidate, but there are quite a few people interested in becoming an alderman for this district."

    A signature drive is set up Saturday, May 4 at 12 noon meet at 1600 Douglas Ave.

    You need to be in Jim Kaplan's District to sign the Recall - but concerned citizens from anywhere can circulate them!

  4. I have not kept up on this story, so guess I have a lot of questions: Do we know how much time he has left in office?

    By the time this plays out, will it be worth the cost of a reelection to the voters?

    Will others be included who have backed this racial bullying and "above the law" mentality?

    How high will this go? Will it send enough of a message that we are really fed up with dishonest government, or will we just get more of the same b/s as we did at the Governor's level: scandal, criminal behavior, dishonest practice at everything he is involved with, vouchers for private schools, 250,000 jobs... my ass.

  5. Glad to see this is being done, I'll be lending my support. Racine residents have had enough of the lies and government bullying. Kaplan has been self serving for years and has disregarded citizen concerns and questions for far to long. This way of doing in business in Racine has left Racine where it is today, at the bottom. Kaplan is a major problem and I'm glad to see people finally stepping up and taking action for what is right for this this community!

  6. The Journal Times has finally woken up:

    I remember years ago that Kaplan was upset because teachers from Janes School (right across the street) were parking in front of his house. Never mind that the school has been there for over a century, Kaplan felt he owned the street in front of his house and was dictating who could park there. Power drunk piggy.

    Point out just one online threat to you, Kaplan. He lies and lies and abuses his position to cover the lies. The people in local government are corrupt to the bone. Egotistical monsters like Kaplan really believe that they are our rulers. Look how much they resent us for trying to get involved to save out city. They have literally armed themselves against us. Is it good that local government lives in fear of the electorate that they have screwed? I'd be scared, too, if I committed all the crimes that these villains have.

  7. I wonder how much ‘public outcry’ it would take for him to resign?

    Good questions KK.

  8. When is the racall of King John coming?

  9. At this point, I think we'd be better off grooming someone to run against him in the next election.

  10. I think Kate Remington said it best:

    Replacing Alderman Jim Kaplan of the 4th District is not about bars. It is about the people's right to be heard and for redress for a wide array of grievances involving executive over reach. Jim Kaplan is a puppet not a representative of the people. City Hall is run like a private corporation. It targets dissenters when it should be listening to the dissent. The Racine Treatment is extended to people who question the governing of its executive branch...a pattern or practice is visible in the licensing and revocation of liquor licenses as well City planning, in the development office, in the legal office, in the control exercised in the local media, in the stacking of boards and committees. Unfortunately for Racine this also involves misuse and abuse of the local police and the county sheriff's department. And yes there are many discriminatory violations. Racine residents are asking for accountability. Jim Kaplan is not only corrupt, he is arrogrant and uses politics like he uses his religion. Very bad for a democracy, bad for business, bad for a city left behind by a system steeped in privilege and greed.

    Can you put a price on honesty and trust? Worse yet - what will Lying Jim Kaplan cost the taxpayers in the 2014 budget? Another $10M in debt along with MORE service cuts?

  11. I have not read one comment that is proactive in making a better Racine. All these comments are mud slinging blabbering venemous vomit filled rhetoric by a bunch of rock throwing terrorists who hide in the bushes and crawl back into their holes after they expell their vomit. The vomit seems to be comming mostly by the "King of Vomit," The Communicator!
