Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my thawing throngs!  How are you?  Spring may have sprung.  The weather has been beautiful the past couple of days.  I actually saw the sun. I thought maybe it had burned out.  The weather extremes that have affected the world are worrisome.  I sincerely hope that we have a nice summer.  I know it has to get hot on some days, but moderation is the key.  With the ozone layer depleting, the sun is like a microwave for your skin.  Just lard on some sun block with an SPF of 1,000 or higher and you’re good to go outdoors.

Another sign of spring is bicyclists on the streets (and sidewalks).  If you drive, please be very careful around bicycles.  Although they’re supposed to be subject to the same rules of the road as motor vehicles, the reality is that most of them do whatever they wish. There is no law enforcement regarding bicycles in Racine.  It is up to drivers to stay alert.  Always expect the unexpected.  Bicyclists often ignore stop signs, ride on the sidewalk, ride against traffic, and ride at night with no lights.  The other day, I was driving through an intersection when a man on a bicycle, riding against traffic, with no hands on the handlebars, and headphones on his head, cut directly in front of me.  I locked my brakes.  The man flipped me the bird.  Oh, that makes me so angry.  Racine rudeness is everywhere.  

My congratulations to Mr. Mayor Dickert for the complete whitewash of the ethics complaints against him and others.  You have to be darn smart to manage all the scams that he does and get away with them.  When he becomes President of the United States, we can say that we knew him when.  If he doesn’t go to prison first.

With the warmer weather also comes more parties for Racine.  This Friday is a First Friday downtown.  Saturday, May 4th, is Kiwanis Pancake Day at Festival Hall.  In Festival Park, the Lakefront Artists Fair will be held concurrently with Pancake Day.  Those are just the big things that I know about.  I’m sure there’s more going on, and there will be even more as the season progresses.   Racine is a party town, and getting drunk is the recommended way to achieve enlightenment.  Party hearty, Racine! 

Finally, my dears, I just learned of a website devoted to Racine’s nightlife:,  That site has a link on the City of Racine homepage, so I’m sure it’s well connected.

Thank you for visiting my blog today.  I enjoy the company and companionship.  You light up my life.

Know the future before it becomes the past:

Enjoy this glorious weather, my friends.  We’ve been deprived so long that anything above 50 degrees calls for a celebration.  Get them old bones moving and have some fun.  Psychorrhagy!


  1. Yeah, things are beginning to hop in Racine as the warmer weather kicks in. Party on!

  2. Madame Zoltar,

    Your wisdom is infinite
    Your compassion bountifulness
    Now your weight is another matter .................. HA
