Thursday, May 23, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Nice horses.


  1. yawn... long day ahead, I think I can, I think I can...

  2. You can, youcan, Yucatan......Have a great Thursday ya'all.....ya'hear!

  3. Thunderstorms here. I would really like to be lying in bed listening to them but this work thing is getting in my way. Oh well.

    Have a great day everyone.

  4. This work thing is peeving me off. What line do I stand in for the free checks? ;>

  5. I postponed long enough to not get the fifth. I'll gladly give it away. Just wanton' to say hi to my cohorts.
    When we having another git together?

    If it stays this cold we can have another sledding wedding! Bring on the 151.

    Get well Orbs!

  6. ooo, I'm a cohort! awesomeness!!

    I had a nice visit with Mr. Legal today, always nice to see our gang whenever I can :)

    Just got a call, my snore monster just got laid off, goodbye sleep, it was a nice year... I'll miss you! On the up side, there are other contractors on the site that are looking to hire on, so he could end up getting called as early as tomorrow wanting him to go back... or it could be a long time... you never know

  7. I would like to see this word used often to describe many of our puke government serpents.



    Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
    A licentious, dissolute person.
    adjective. dissolute - rakish - wasteful - licentious

    utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. recklessly prodigal or extravagant. noun. 3. a profligate person

  8. I like the word rakish. No one knows what you're saying. Talk above their heads... or is it off with their heads? ;>
