Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Is that a warbler?


  1. Hello out there anyone home?

  2. Good Morning everyone.

    After seeing what happened in Oklahoma I am so glad to know our friend down there is alright. Yes Mary when I seen that the first thing I said to Drew is I hope you are alright.

    I hope everyone has a good day today!

  3. Happy Tuesday everybody!
    I have the day off, and get to be a productive bum today. The only time I am going out is to start the process of having my 'final resting place 'preplanned' and set up. Who knew something so odd could make me feel good? I'm definitely an irregular gal!

  4. Good morning everyone. After a very hard day today should be better.
    I was able to go home last night and sit on my couch and do nothing. I could eat and take my bath, drink my wine and sleep in my own bed. I can get in my car this morning and go to work.
    Too many people won't get to do that for a long time. No home, no car no job.
    But, I will get to work and have an e-mail telling me where the disaster trucks will be so our insureds can get money to live, to get a new car and try to have some normalcy back in their lives.
    It's a start.

    Have a good day everyone.

  5. Lizard mom..... I am not in business for myself and have no strong ties if you would like any advice, please ask . Entirely free to you and me taking a quick look would not
    Hurt but help you in your decisions. Third informed party

    Hope the rest of you are well and prayers sent to remove stress for all of us.

  6. Tweet!

    Mary, our hearts are heavy with yours. Why did it have to hit an elementary school? Stay strong for those who will need a level head, a shoulder to lean on and any other assistance you can offer.

  7. Mary, Just knowing your heart Is where It belongs In these situations, I can't imagine the kindness you will show all of your company's clients. I'm certain, your day will be busy beyond belief, and when you finally get through your VERY necessary part of this recovery, you can say to yourself, you have done all that you can, to help ease these folks pain. God Bless You.

  8. I know today will be the start of a very stressful job for you, Mary. Not only was it very close to you but handling the number of calls I expect you'll get, I'm sure will be emotionally draining. You will be their lifeline to help, you'll be like the hero helper they need in their time of need - hugs to you for the days ahead!

    BLB, I was going to message you after I get home later. I am sure some of my twisted questions I will not be able to bring myself to asking this lady but I know you 'understand' me enough to not think I'm too nuts :) Thank for the offer, definitely taking you up on it! I think this calls for lunch or something, are you ever free?

  9. Believe it or not, today was eerily quiet. Nothing came out on our agency claims list; but that will change tomorrow. People are still in a state of shock.
    But the storms are gone, the sun is out and tomorrow is a new day.
    And I got to put my hanging flower baskets out tonight so I am happy.

    And I want to thank everyone for all the kind comments. After the few weeks I've had, they mean a lot to me.
