Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Have a sparkly and effervescent day.


  1. Happy Wednesday everyone!
    Heading to WI in the morning..
    Up North for you, South for me! LOL
    I sure hope the weather is better than is predicted.

  2. good morning all..I guess I missed quite the storms last night, which is hard to believe as I could barely sleep. Drive safe, MC :)

  3. I believe that our weather is the fault of Dickert.

    Drive/ride safe, MC.

    When you sleep all day, you stay up all night.

  4. Well hello from Racine.. We actually made it here, I really didnt think we would make it.. I thought for sure Maia was going to wake up with chicken pox all over her body.. but nothing yet.. hopefully we dont get it yet.. if we were at home I would go and rub her on all of the kids with chicken pox but dont feel like dealing with that here.. but we're here.. the flight was long but the girls did well, just a little bit of grumpiness (but they seemed to deal with me alright ;-) ) we are still having issues with jet lag.. it's 4a.m. and all 4 of us are awake, but that will come in time..

  5. MC- Have a safe trip!

    Why Not- Glad to here you made it safe and sound.

    LM- You missed a really great light show last night. It was down pouring too!

    I hope everyone has a great day today!

  6. No storms here (yet) but in keeping up with the past 5 days, cloudy, humid and very windy. So windy a certain fisherman can't go walleye fishing. Oh my.

    Welcome home Why Not!

    Have a great day everyone.

  7. Heard from Ms. Beejay. Watch for a blog this evening (I hope) for info on the next get together.... Need to have a real calendar and computer to get it posted correctly. Happening soon so you'll need to save the day.

  8. We will be alright as long as no Sunday because we have to pick my daughter up in Oshkosh she has been visiting her brother and sister the last two weeks.

  9. what a great day!! The sun is out, the storms went somewhere else, I had a crazy fun time hanging with BLB and Legal, I'm so glad my irregular friends 'get' me, most people think I'm nuts! AND - My vehicle lives again!!! awesomeness at it's finest all around! :)

  10. Wow, Wednesday already, the week is just flying by

  11. And from the Only in Oklahoma Department. Only in Oklahoma where they are having a concert tonight to aid the victims of last weeks tornadoes do they start out by showing the storm shelter evacuation plans at the Chesapeake Arena in case of a tornado.
    We are probably the only ones who won't get to see the concert due to bad weather.
    What do you do except,stay alert!

  12. Of course we "get " you, Lizard Mom. It was a blast hanging with you in the irregular way that we did! We all had a great time and got some good laughs i

    We will do this again for sure! Soon!

  13. If you put up Betty, I won't make any fun of her! Maybe it will cheer up Orbs since he has not been feeling well either.

  14. I hope the tornadoes leave our Mary alone out there in Arizona, and the rest of the United States…..

  15. Welcome back to home number one, Why Not.
