Saturday, May 11, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Party hearty, Irregulars.


  1. Seriously guys, do ya'll sleep at night?

    Happy Saturday everyone.

  2. I don't think Daddy Orbs and SER know what sleep is. Wait a minute are they bats that only come out at night time.

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend I am going to because I am on strike from cooking and cleaning. That means Drew is going to be making me dinner this weekend!

  3. Or could they be vampires? :) I slept, Mary, and it was wonderful!

    and Happy Mothers Day to all our moms!

  4. I was up with the boys last night, but I was trolling for a 5th. I'm ready for a little nip again. Liz swiped it instead... and she won't even use it! Happy weekend, all!

  5. Mary, Actually me, and my Black Lab Ret went to sleep listening to #1 by the Beatles. Otherwise we would never has fallen asleep. I think we missed "yellow Submarine" I'm not sure. Music Is a GREAT sleep inducer. He like It too. "Dances with Wolves" Is very good for sleep.

    P.S. I hope your feeling better today.

  6. I am away from the computer for the most part from now until well I get to my parents in a couple of weeks.. The new internet provider that promised us twice as fast internet did not live up to its promise.. sooo we bitched and moaned and got out of the deal but they cut off our internet directly.. we have now found a new internet provider which should provide us with up to 30mgb/sec but we decided that it's only 2 weeks before we get going so it doesnt make sense to start it up until after we get back..

    anyways, I'm borrowing internet now so I should probably give it back.. take it easy, will stop by once and awhile maybe...

  7. To the irregulators:
    It has been brought to my attention the illicit affair of our elected officials has been scrutinized by an out of state irregulator posting under anonymous.
    The irregulator should perculator all available information of the perpetulators to the irregulators perpetulators site. Only then can irreguators act upon such information. PS "out of state" can refer to of mind tehe tehe

  8. Yeah, I can see the new tv show called the "Irregulators"

    Whores and John's have been around before biblical times.

  9. The Irregulators' TV show will be like the Untouchables.
