Saturday, May 18, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

You, too.


  1. will try. I'm either dealing with wicked allergies or a wicked cold, sometimes such a fine line between them both it's hard to tell which side I'm on...
    I was super productive yesterday, I think that entitles me to a free pass today :)

  2. Can't believe how many people are sick at this time of year. Everyone is coughing and losing their voice. Did I infect everyone? Gee... they even had to close a school in Mke because so many kids were ill.

    So happy it is the weekend and I can sit in jammies and relaxxxx. Wait, there is laundry to do and plants to plant and......

  3. Scooby Dooby Doooooo

    LZ...sounds like you need to start slam'in a bunch of Vitamin C!

    And it sounds like KK needs to keep her little fanny in bed or a nice comfortable chair in front of a computer!

  4. I was outside for 5 minutes to change the hummingbird feeder and with the humidity going on, my hair is now a fuzz ball.

    KK and LM - you deserve a day of doing pretty much nothing.

  5. Mary, That's funny. My hair has always done that also. I had curly hair until my sister used a product called "Go Straight" (I'm pretty certain It's not politically correct today) on It, and It never curled again, and that was about 50 years ago.

  6. I'm losing my mind I'm pretty sure of it.. talking about getting sick.. Toff and I are dealing with a cold that will not die.. Yesterday Maia pukes, we had company the day before and they tell us today that they think she has chickenpox. Now I'm freaking out thinking that Maia has never had chickenpox and it would be just about perfect timing for it to show up when we fly in a week.. The stomach bug is something that has been spreading around at preschool and looks like it has just now showed up in our house.. Gotta a hugely busy week of work and have to make a wedding cake for the weekend... I'm not sleeping at night and just running constantly all day long.. I need this vacation so desperately right now... AARRRRRGGHHH!! ok sorry just needed to bitch and moan for a little..

  7. Orbs, I was all decked out and ready to go and my date ditched me! ;>

    Actually, I watched it on CAR 25, just like every year. Saw some of my "regulars." They will be very happy when I tell them I saw them on T.V.

  8. WHO advisory.........


    The dreaded kk thought virus has spread wordwide worldwide.

    Save yourselves while you can, eat a twinkie while blogging.
