Saturday, May 25, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Tony the tiger should know.


  1. LOLZ!

    Joan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving You

    I Love you JOAN!!


  2. I'll take 2nd! Have a great day everyone.

  3. I'm up, sleep sure is nice :) I'll be up crazy early tomorrow, work 4 hours, quick home for breakfast, off to church, then visit my mother in law, have lunch and come home and relax with the hubby. Monday I'm off, and Tuesday I start super late - 8am, crazy! I'll take it tho :)

  4. ouch, yes, size does matter, sometimes you're just a little too big, know your limits :) duh... hate to be that guy calling his boss...

  5. wow, yesterday was really tough. The good part, I had some quality hubby time, but as the day went on, many friends were posting pictures on facebook remembering an amazing young man who was way bigger than life who lost his life 2 years ago. Seeing pictures of him was very touching, but with each one my heart grew heavier from missing him and the tragedy that took his life. By evening, I was overcome with sadness and finally broke down. Missing you tremendously, David Boyd :( I'm ok today, just still sad.

  6. Sorry LZ. Yesterday I was sad too as it was 12 years my Dad passed. I worked a double shift and it took my mind off most of it, but still tough. My heart goes out to all who lost loved ones . They are honored each and
    Every day, but their lives should be celebrated and their deaths be mourned on this very weekend of Memorial Day.

  7. Ahhhh.. Love Tony the Tiger. Miss the days when sex wasn't used to sell EVERY product.
