Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Alderman Greg Helding"

See more 'Commun Acator' videos here:


  1. And yet people continue to vote people into office without knowing anything more than a name. Well, he's a man, wears a suit well, looks honest, let me check this box.

  2. This video is great, It really does show how these morons think, "If I'm mayor, I'll stop the backroom deals, but if I'm alderman, screw it, do whatever you want. It's pathetic. There's some other good videos over at the Racine Community Media site.

  3. Lying vermin. They puff themselves up like blow fish and put on their lying suits. It truly is disgusting that Helding and Kaplan nad Dickert and Friedel, et al, believe that they are above the law. They believe that they can lie to us with impunity.

    When Helding ran (waddled?) for office, he talked about back room deals and transparency. Now he is part of the back room deals. Lying liar claims that he was threatened online, so he (and others) get to wear a gun while he lords over us. Ald Kaplan is another oinker who claims to have been threatened. Of course, neither of these two liars provided any examples of threats. Fat sows feeding on the people of Racine, so afraid of the people that they've screwed that they arm themselves.

  4. What high schools did Helding and Kaplan attend? I've noticed that St. Catherine's alumni are particularly adept at lying and bullying (Becker, Dickert, Friedel, O'Brien, et al). I like the little nuns and their opinions on our politicians. They'll talk all day about their pet liars, but they won't utter a peep when it comes to their enabling of molesters who destroyed thousands upon thousands of young lives.

    The new pope verified the existence of a "gay lobby" in the hierarchy of the Church that looks to blackmail and dirty deeds to get its way. Lying child molesters as the official word of God. What a sad, sick group of malformed "humans."

  5. I don't know what school they came from but it sure seems like the same one, the school of lies, bullshit, deception, and corruption. Look where their outlooks and visions have left this city. It's pathetic and I'm glad people are able to view clips and videos like this.

  6. Two things: I was gonna delete my last comment out of respect for Toad, but you commented, so it's stuck there.

    Two, watching common council meetings has taught me what a bully that Dickert is.

    I've gained a little respect for Keith Fair for his willingness to point out problems and irregularities in the proceedings. That does not mean that I support Keith Fair 100%, nor that I approve of the beating of women, or whatever other absurdities the political extremists will label this.

    I know that Helding can hardly wait for Fair's trial. (A misnomer?) This is an attorney-to-be: lying and damning Fair all over the local TV stations immediately after Fair's arrest. So much for innocent until proven guilty. Hangman Helding is just doing his job, poisoning opinion and pronouncing guilt before any trial.

  7. Ya no kidding about Dickert, just bullying all of the aldermen, and they just lie down and take it and do as they're told. It's a sad situation with no representation, and that's just the way Dickert wants it, after all, look how good it's worked out for Racine and it's residents, then look how good it's worked for him and his friends. Yes it's too bad Fair is not on the council any longer, I thought he was the only one actually standing for something.

  8. Orbs...Kaplan went to Racine Lutheran High.

    I went to school with him and I can't believe he turned out to be such a meathead

  9. Bullying seems to be the way in politics. Did you see the rude, yelling, gavel banging fiasco in Madison over the abortion legislation? There is an agenda to shove through legislation, whether it is right or not. Legislators are determining what procedures, and how a doctor must perform them. A giant step backwards for women's health. Disgusting.
