Monday, June 10, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Betty sure is patriotic.


  1. Oh Betty, shimmering again
    How did Monday return so quickly? I think I missed a day this weekend?
    Happy Monday all!

  2. I am in Alaska for has not gotten dark for over a week so I definitely feel like I am missing days (or at least nights).

  3. Betsy is beautiful also, Orbs. She sews so I'll bet she cooks as well. She can heat you up better than Betty who is an outright ho.

  4. Hale - I don't know how you can sleep when it is sunny all the time but I'm sure you'll find a way. How fun to be in Alaska in the summer.

    Have a great day everyone.

  5. I won the bronze medal... actually wrestled it away from Beejay. I tried to look it up, but only found info on the bank's 100th celebration. It is cool.

    I also saw the potential that it may have been associated with a world's fair. Maybe we need a road trip to Antiques Roadshow? We might be sitting on a pile.... (probably not the pile we'd hoped for) lol.

  6. Lol..... That pile could be bronzed.....they will do that for anything ya know.

  7. hale-bopp, maybe you'll meet legal stranger up there.

    Thank you, BLB. Can you find me a rich woman with one foot in the grave and no one else to leave her money to?

  8. Betty's Uncle Sam pants must have still been in the dryer.

    Beejay, I have pie bloat. Tee hee

  9. Actually kk... I won a gold metal in pogo sticking contest a while back say 45 years ago or so. I was so proud that I had it bronzed.

  10. I have been to Fairbanks a few times, bugs bugs bugs, no see um's, flies, mosquitoes endlessly pursuing you. Prefer the SE coast on and by the ocean. Gustavus, Glacier Bay, Juneau ect.

  11. Orbs...if I knew one I would let you have your way with her as long as I got to split the cash, securities,
    bonds,stocks, deeds, trinkets and jewels.
