Thursday, June 27, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Must be Thursday.  Labels don't lie.


  1. That's where all my Thursday labels went.

  2. Why am I awake?! Happy Thursday everyone..

  3. 2nd day waking up with a sore throat, pretty sure it's allergies gone wild. Guess it's soup for breakfast (made chicken rice soup yesterday for the same reason...)

  4. Just got back from taking Drew to work and if we get more rain the Root River will go over.

    LM- We hope you get better soon.

  5. Hope you feel better LM. Have a great day everyone.

  6. Poor Lizzie Mom..... Get well!
    The rest of you have a great day!

  7. Well, the rear end on the truck was fixed last night, or so we thought. Unfortunately this morning it was leaking green goo in the driveway. So at 7:30 this morning, not really dressed we headed back to the garage to repair it again. It is now fixed.

    After picking up the truck we went to Walmart to buy a new tv. I wasn't in any big hurry but he was. Had to have it and the reason is, because he was getting the truck back, he could go fishing tonight. Okay.

    On a separate note, my left breast was attacked yesterday. The wire in my bra decided to come out and stab me. How rude. I was thinking about suing the bra company but the name was worn off. Plus, I only had a little indentation. You would think the least it could have done was make my breast swell so I could look like I had voluptuous breasts. Well, or breast anyway.

    What do you do?


  8. Mary, Mary, Mary...

    Well I must say, it's going to be tough to top what is going on in Mary's life today.

    How can you possibly have a better day than trucks rear ends getting fixed, but still leaking green goo, heading over to WalMart for a new TV, planning the fishing trip tonight to catch supper and to top it all off, getting attached by your own bra...Why can't I have that problem with my boxers? One could only ponder that kind of excitement.

    Oh well after all that neat & cool happenings going on down by Mary, the best thing I could think of was at least I found $10.

  9. whoa, baby, Mary's getting all the action! Didn't know you were going for 'unique' body piercing, and a do-it-yourselfer, you go girl!! :)

    Alas, it seems to only be allergies. I ordered more generic allegra online and wouldn't cave in and get more when I ran out and before it came... so I stupidly suffered for 3 days. It came last night, so after taking twice what the normal person takes, and after my chicken rice soup for breakfast at 4am... I was just fine :)

  10. Mary must be out celebrating her excellent day.

    Mary and the bra attacker. Film at 10.

  11. I've caught my "equipment" in my zipper. Which is worse: bra boob attack or zippered wee-wee?

    My truck was out on the street yesterday evening and I forgot to move it into the garage. Got a $20 alternate side parking ticket. There are consequences to this memory loss thing.

  12. Gee.. after reading all this, I had a pretty decent, boring day. Ouch to getting private parts in precarious positions!

  13. Well Orbs...Comment deleted by

  14. Zippered wee wee by all means Orbs. I'm pretty sure when my incident happened I didn't use the same language you probably used. Or screamed for that matter. Which is the same language I would have used if it were my, my, vajayjay. I don't think that's how it is spelled though. Whatever.

  15. I guess I'm done...

  16. I guess I'm done...
