Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

May this be another Summer of Love.


  1. ooo baby!
    Survived Monday, the rest of the weekdays can breeze on by, I have the weekend off.
    ms froggy asked me if I also blog on the jt rejects site but I haven't even been able to find such a thing, anyone know anything about it? I'm oddly intrigued.
    Ok, back to the caffeine...

  2. Well, it took until the 2nd week of May before Spring started and now it is the second week of June and according to my car yesterday it was 102. Not complaining though as my new Honda cools off a whole lot quicker than my old one.
    And I made a vow not to complain about the heat until we had temps over 100 for two weeks. Only because Spring was so cool.

    Is there a JT reject site or could that be us?

    Have a great day everyone.

  3. Back in Florida. A nice warm, humid morning. My skin Is so grateful.

    Will top ninety degrees today.

  4. Let's look at a condition that is called Congestive Heart Failure.

    Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart's function as a pump is inadequate to meet the body's needs.
    Symptoms of heart failure start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. In the early stages, you may:

    Feel tired easily and this can become extreme.
    Be short of breath when you exert yourself.
    Feel like your heart is pounding or racing (palpitations).
    Feel weak or dizzy.

    As heart failure gets worse, fluid starts to build up in your lungs and other parts of your body. This may cause you to:

    Feel short of breath even at rest.
    Have swelling (edema), especially in your legs, ankles, and feet.
    Gain weight. This may happen over just a day or two, or more slowly.
    Cough or wheeze, especially when you lie down.
    Need to urinate more at night.
    Feel bloated or sick to your stomach.
    Cough up frothy sputum. (may also be pink tinged)

    CHF treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Symptoms are relieved by removing excess fluid from the body, improving blood flow, improving heart muscle function, and increasing delivery of oxygen to the body tissues.

    People who are underinsured can be treated and put on disability. The
    hospitals cannot refuse someone who is sick per EMTALA regulations.

    If you experience any of these symptoms, please see a physician or go to the ER.

  5. Thank you for the heartfelt information, BLB. We are family. We love and are concerned about each other. If anyone ever needs a ride or needs someone to keep an eye on the medical professionals, I can be there. I spent so many hours doing that with each parent, I'm sure there is an engraved plaque on the back of some chair with my name on it in one waiting room or another..

  6. BL, What a GREAT idea for a BLOG. A once a week health tip. I like that A LOT. Since I pretty much have ALL the symptoms of CHF, but certainly feel certain my DR. would have discovered It by now, It's alway's been a concern of mine, since EVERYBODY In my family, on my mothers side, has heart trouble, or Is already dead.

    KK, I remember your dedication to your mother, when she needed you the most. You were the BEST. Stlll are.

  7. My fiancée and I have been looking for a house. We found one yesterday that looks to be empty. Probably foreclosed on. How do you find the bank that holds the mortgage on that house?

  8. I can do that, and it is something I enjoy. I was even told I am pretty good at it...har har har!
    I have the knowledge to discuss issues with death and crisis also and have many certifications.

    I am also willing to help ANY of you! I love doing this and have always cared for people and animals!

    Thank you for listening.

    BTW....Lots of times the tests are fairly easy. The BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)blood test can be a strong determinate if you have CHF. The physician may look further if this is elevated in your blood. My point being, is that
    everything is not going to be so
    complicated with some simple tests
    that one should shy away. Good treatments out there! You will be proactive in your own health!

    But I really like comedy better.

  9. Dodge Boy - I asked my boss and he said you might get in touch with a realtor as they might be able to help you.

  10. DodgeBoy...go on Zillow.com and type in the address. That should get you lots of info.

  11. BLB, we'd love to have you author a weekly, or monthly health related blog! You could also include other aging, planning or death related issues we will all eventually need more info on.

    We only need to get you set up as an author, if you are interested. That is an easy thing to do.... yes?

  12. Dodge Boy, Why bother. Just move In.

  13. BL, Maybe, you could call It BLB'S LIST, and someday become as famous as that lady that listens to peoples problems, and play's songs. Can't remember her name, and I just saw It on Yahoo yesterday. Told Ya, "If I only had a brain" BTW. My sister Is one of those I have everything people. She keeps her Bible next to her. TABORS DICT.

  14. LOVE the idea of a regular health/life blog!! you could even have it a Dear BLB... like Dear Abby :) I can attest to her knowledge and helpfulness, even when thrown oddball stuff most people would look at you sideways for asking!

    Dodgeboy, my hubby's 1st question to me is 'did you google it'?, it's a thought. my neighbor just listed their house if you're looking in the area near Case High School, but I know there are lots of houses for sale now, best of luck finding the right fit :)

  15. Just for the HELLth of it.

    BLB, I'll send you the link to author. Click it and things (like that health blog) can happen, but they don't have to. It is up to you. You should really have an author account, regardless.

  16. BLB, you have hit on the symptoms of CHF. My husband died as a result of initially untreated CHF. I convinced him to go to a doctor...he did and was good for a large number of years. Then, while placed under stress by HIS family, he neglected to take one of his meds...he died slowly and painfully. It is a hard death, trust me.

    Doug was diagnosed at the age of 39...died just shy of his 64th birthday.

    If any of you see these symptoms in a loved one, push them to get treatment. Personally, I would send them to Milwaukee to Froedtert.

  17. Beejay, I hate to say this, but the poor guy In the bed next to me at Meriter In Madison, must have had CHF. It was the night of my cardiac cath, and stent, and he was In so much pain, It seemed impossible. They were giving him shot after shot, and nothing helped. I wanted to try to talk to him, but the nurses said he didn't want to talk to anybody. In the middle of the night, all the lights were turned on, the the place was full of nurses etc. He didn't survive the night. Really sad.

  18. Toad, get out of Meritor now, go to the pro's at university Hospital.

    I will send you the names of two doctors who have greatly helped a friend of mine.

  19. KK, I like the HELLth variation, will be discussing it with BLB.

  20. I will say it is something that I should (SHOULD) do. I am thinking heavily on it and love the ideas.
    I am not sure I am a good enough writer, as I have to do this myself
    and not plagiarize even a line.

    But I am almost certain the answer is YES.

    Thanks to my dear JTI family for the imput!

  21. Go for it BLB! You would do great and provide a good service.

    Dodgeboy, you can also try HUD for foreclosed homes.

  22. BLB - your subject matter would be endless, from diet to dieing, bones to boners, from the tip of your nose to your tippy toes, corns to calluses, from Durex protection (condom) to Durex poisoning (antifreeze). butts to butt heads,
    aspirin to arthritis.
    So now that you got the point, make the leap as an author, we await your first official post.


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