Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

It is only polite to wave back.


  1. I'll claim the #1 spot. It has been ahwile. Time for bed. See you all in the morning.

  2. it's morning!
    my sisters' neighbors are saying they've heard what they had was classified as a tornado - Hobart, IN. Power lines down, trees a mess, but everybody sounds to be ok. Guess that's the stuff we were to have gotten but it blew their way instead.

  3. I just got home from taking Drew to work and seen something spark from lightening over by Nicholson and Dunkelow it also looked like a flame too. I did not go home that way because I did not know what I would run into. I am going to go and check it out before I see him for lunch. If anyone is going out just be careful because the Root River is getting very high too.

  4. From the here is something you don't hear everyday. "Honey, I have to run my truck to the shop as my rear end is going out". Okay.

    Have a great day everyone!

  5. :D @ Mary. When are you going to get brave and post your first blog? I'd love to read it. I think we all would.

  6. 5th....and loving it. The engineer roomie is hiding under the desk with all of this lightning & thunder.

    Yes Mary, get with the program and blog. KK is right, I know I would love to read it.

    Maybe, I should not talk. I don't even have a picture thingy yet.

  7. Looks like another round of storms headed our way.

    I hope everyone stays afloat.

  8. Mary, Did you know that one of the least checked items (on your car) Is the rear end? My dad showed me how a hundred years ago. You take the plug out, and stick your pinkie In to see how much oil you have. Honestly I have never checked mine.

  9. I always check out rear ends...

  10. Mary....I think you should definately blog. You wold be great!!!!

    I am getting another blog ready, but
    I write during down time at work....
    JOKE!!! NO down time lately! THen when I get home I am too tired and do
    a few things and fall asleep in chair. Shoulder still painful, too, but improving. Blog will be soon, tho.

    I only have my rear end check professionally. BTW.

    Great day y'all!

  11. Someday someone will have to explain to me just what it means to have your rear end go out. It's not like the battery going dead and you need to replace it. Tell me, does the rear end sag and that is the problem? If that is the case, mine went out a long time ago.
    I do know this, it will cost a lot more do fix his than it will to fix mine (which I'm not going to do).

  12. rear ends.......... schmear ends
    A '54 rear end is desirable, other vintage years can cost even more.

  13. Oh what the hell, Legal - my rear end is from 1954.

  14. VINTAGE rear ends????? 54 model?
    The cost is tremendous for such quality product.

  15. My model is slightly later. I work on it often, but probably should seek professional help! (You guys are TOO much) Thanks for the smiles.

    Jed, we really need to get you a privacy screen for your office. So good to hear from you!

  16. I have a leaking drain pipe from the bathroom....bathroom is on the second floor, guess who gets to rip part of the ceiling out...damn.

  17. SER... call the Three Stooges in, they always seemed to do a good job on bathrooms.

    See what you started Mary? Talk about "one track minds" we have got plenty of them here. Me ? no I was always talking about cars. lol

    KK, I did have a privacy screen but they took it away when they found me taking naps.

  18. Is a leaky pipe from the bathroom another euphemism? Gee, SER, I can't decide which scenario would be worse! lol

  19. My rear end has been checked too often.

  20. Is it still Tuesday? Oh my goodness. Been doing Nursing home stuff. They ought to be punished for practicing law without a license. Grrrrr. Good gravy.

    You guys stay safe and dry.

    I have no snake stories for you and, well, the lizards seem to have disappeared for the moment. Oh, Sable.......blah, blah.

  21. Still no news on the rear end but they had her on a lift when we went by.
    That's all I have to say about that.

  22. Her???? Stirrups also? teehee

    After they get her up to high gear
    and she is achieving her max rpms
    they may find it to be a shock and need to take her for another quick spin.
    In a lick she'll be back and you will be ridin' hard again.
    ahhhhhh....High maintenance!

  23. Sorry for my immaturity...sorry sorry sorry.

  24. It didn't really occur to me before this, but with all of these TRANSVERSE jobs, how do I check the rear end when It's In the front? I actually have one of each. Don't you wish you did?

    BLB, Don't be anybody but you. I think your quite witty.

  25. BLB - I thought it was a hoot!

  26. In a column of this nature, are we really going to let Toad get by unscathed saying that he has one of each? :o

  27. TOAD HAS ONE OF EACH????? Too many trips to the gene pool, got it all mixed up...just like LOLA..L-O-L-A...
    Lo Lo Lo Lo LOLA!

    Toads tend to hang around at pools....oh my...must have got Lily and Lola and Gene mixed up.

    My other authorship is going to be writing pure nonsense.
