Saturday, June 1, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

It should always start here.  Happy June, Irregulars!


  1. My weekends used to start the weekend before.

    Happy June!

  2. Yesterday nite a June bug flew into my house and landed on the floor. My little Tootsie Roll (mini dachshund) ran over and caught it and all I heard was crunch crunch crunch. Happy June!

  3. Can I begin to tell you how glad I am that May is over. It was not an easy month.
    But it is June now and the sun is shining, storms are gone and life is good!

  4. My weekends always start here, sheriff.

    Gee, my dog never attacked bugs or lizards. She'd just look at me, like, shouldn't you be getting that?

    Mary, so glad you escaped this last round. I'm really hoping the madness is done.

  5. We didn't get anymore storms, but I had plenty to do watching Intellicast Radar fixed on OK. City. Just amaizng how long that storm hung over the area. 5 people (at least) died, and not a word about It on Yahoo, when I turned the computer on? Had to look It up. I'm wondering what happened to all the people stuck on the freeway's? BTW Mary, Too bad Sonic was closed. I've never been there, but I alway's hear good things about It. The closest one to us, Is In Madison.

    On to another story. Mauston had It's 2nd (at least, don't know about woman In hosp. In Madison) at 12:10 a.m. Friday morning. Some guy shot 2 women outside the downtown biker bar. One was dead at the scene, the other flown to Madison. It's In the State News, but they try to keep bad news quiet In this area. For some reason they think It will harm the perception of this icky city?

  6. it's a good weekend. Last night I was able to spend some quality time with a very close friends who has lived out of state for years now. We had a few hours with her hubby and herself. We laughed, and had a great time. awesome night. Sleeping in this morning, I slept way later than I thought I would, but I feel pretty darn good. Hubby is home and actually cleaning the garage? I fear he is terrible sick...

  7. The Godz are Rock'N Roll Machines!


    Out With The Boyz: CLICK HERE

  8. Frank Mariiiiiiiiiino &

    Mahogany Rush:

    King Bee!

  9. WHOA!!!!

    Peace Frog!

    No really, The Doors!

    The Doors:

    Peace Frog!

    RIP Jim.

  10. Waiting For The Sun!

    The Greatest Song OR not ?

    Waiting For The Sun!

    OR Waiting for the SON?

    Spring Has Come!

  11. Un Mas:

    The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald.

    The Wreck.

  12. Mary, I'm glad the storms missed you. Just think of all the claims for damages.

  13. Btw, John Smith, nice selection of songs.

  14. I have to agree with Orbs, John. Nice selection of tunes.
