Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my cool cucumbers!  How are you?  Are you “chillin’”?  Or are you chilly?  The other day, I was outside in the yard on a cool afternoon.  A wind blew and I suddenly thought of autumn.  It’s still July, but it’s beginning to feel like fall.  Tomorrow is the first day of August.  Maybe it will heat back up again. 

Like others, I enjoy the cool evenings and nights we’ve recently experienced.  When that summer heat beats down all day, the nights stay pretty warm (and humid), too.  I sleep, and do everything else, more comfortably when it’s cool.  I do know people, though, who prefer the heat.  Not me.  I wilt in the heat.  I need air conditioning or an astral projection to Iceland.  How did I get so spoiled?  When did the luxuries become necessities?  Or do I have a right to expect an easier life as I get older?

I was taken aback by the news that Dino’s Restaurant is closing.  What a shame.  I don’t suppose that Mr. Mayor, a “professional real estate agent,” can do anything to help.  Mr. Mayor gives our money to his friends and contacts.  There’s nothing left to help out a locally owned restaurant that’s been in existence for more than half a century.  Oh my.  The parade of shame just keeps marching through City Hall.  Millions for millionaires, but not a dime for working people.

The blackout of WTMJ 4 from the local cable provider is sad.  The broadcast of a Packer preseason game may be affected.  That is unacceptable.  The Journal Broadcast Group and Time Warner Cable are both filthy rich.  They are like squabbling, spoiled brats.  As always, the real winners are the lawyers involved in the negotiations.  No matter what happens, they get paid handsomely.

I’d like to formally complain about Racine drivers.  That’s right, I, Ms. Demo Derby, would like to lodge a complaint with the appropriate authorities.  I have never seen worse driving.  Some drivers are uninsured and/or unlicensed.  Some are drunk.  Some are blind.  Some don’t care.  Too many don’t know the rules of the road.  Driving in Racine is now an ordeal for law-abiding citizens.

I like the idea of swapping Ethics Boards with Kenosha.  Is there any way we can swap out Mr. Mayor, too?  We don’t need a mayor in return.  We have an administrator to perform that job.  I suspect that we’ll accept just about anything in trade for Mr. Mayor.  How about some streetlights?  Spare change?  Want us to pay you?  How much?  He’s not worth a lot. 

Thank you, my honeys and bunnies, for visiting my blog today.  I always appreciate the attention.  I always appreciate the love.

Where did our ethics go?

Bundle up, my dears.  I didn’t think I’d be saying that for at least a few months.  Perhaps another glacial age is upon us.  Get out there and enjoy it before it becomes a winter wasteland.  Ydromancy!     


  1. The Ethics in Racine and Racine County left a long time ago.

    Not all communities get raped by their Common Councils.

    San Diego City Council twice voted unanimously Tuesday to make Mayor Bob Filner, 70, responsible for all the expenses in his sexual harassment suit.

    The council is attempting to distance itself from the leader of the nation's eighth-largest city amid mounting calls for his resignation.

    At its Tuesday night meeting, the City Council voted 9-0 to deny funds for Filner's legal expenses in the lawsuit filed by his former communications director Irene McCormack Jackson.

  2. Madame, it is as if I had written this column myself. I have to agree with you on every word.

    The feud between TWC and TMJ4 is sickening. We are the losers, despite paying TWC exorbitant fees.

    I've downloaded the TMJ4 app to my kindle, but it is very clunky. At least I can continue to secretly lust after the weather guy, Brian Gotter. We are lucky enough to be close to Chicago, so we still get channel 05 and the nightly news with Brian Williams is available.

    I think NBC news is superior to the rest. Settle this darn feud! It will probably take missing the Packer game to fuel enough ire among the "commoners" to right this.

  3. I was taken aback by the news that Dino’s Restaurant is closing. What a shame. I don’t suppose that Mr. Mayor, a “professional real estate agent,” can do anything to help. Mr. Mayor gives our money to his friends and contacts. There’s nothing left to help out a locally owned restaurant that’s been in existence for more than half a century. Oh my. The parade of shame just keeps marching through City Hall. Millions for millionaires, but not a dime for working people.

    It's a growing problem that is only going to get worse for Racine County taxpayers:

    It would appear that Jim Ladwig and the County Board are on board with the Dickert “Tax and Develop” Downtown crowd.

    “Racine County — which owns and operates the marina — is submitting its application for a permit to treat the weedy problem using an aquatic pesticide, according to a public notice submitted to The Journal Times on Tuesday.

    Neubecker said she intended to get the permit application into the mail today.

    Boats would be fine if they stayed in the water but people would be barred from swimming in the marina while the treatment takes place, Neubecker said. Warning signs will be posted.”

    What’s the chance that treatment makes it to Racine beaches? What’s the chance that the Racine Health Department will check and warn Swimmers? The currents will SURELY take it to the beaches and the Health Department can’t warn Swimmers of what it doesn’t test for.

    “The weeds are a problem for boaters with air conditioners where the units pump in water to keep them cool. When that water is weedy, it results in a clogged system that doesn’t work right.

    The extra algae growth happens once a year to every two years and marina operators address the issue as needed, Neubecker said. But, “This year is just a little bit worse for weeds.”

    What’s the chance that the Boaters are paying for this – about ZERO! Racine County Taxpayers will be forced to support and subsidize the Boaters just like City of Racine and Racine County taxpayers support the Downtown Racine businesses that don’t pay their fair share of taxes, some who REFUSE to pay their taxes (409 Main St – Osterman-Jergers) and others who sit behind TID tax shelters, or like Team Porters, receive millions in taxpayer $$$$ to subsidize their failure!

    There is no difference between the Rupubli-Crats in Racine County.

    Watch the yearly spending on the Marina to increase year after year while revenues are less than expenses – same thing going on with Racine’s heavily subsidized Festival Hall.

    Dishonest John can reward friends and cronies with taxpayer funded prevailing wage jobs at the Civic Centre – Jim Ladwig can do the same at the Marina!

  4. "Or do I have a right to expect an easier life as I get older?"

    You may have a right to expect it, Mme. Z, but I doubt that you'll get it.
