Sunday, July 28, 2013


The video is from Racine Community Media.

The lies are from lying John. Party on, lying John!


  1. LULZ!

    This immediately follows the post on the LYRE (liar) BIRD! That actually mimics humans and their sounds instead of Reptilians like LYING JOHN!

    They Live is a 1988 American science fiction film written and directed by John Carpenter. It follows a nameless drifter referred to as "Nada," who discovers the ruling class is in fact Lying John and Questionably competent Tom (aided and abetted by Compromised Jim) managing human social affairs through the use of a signal on top of the TV broadcast, concealing their appearance and subliminal messages in mass media.

    They Live!

    AND feast on the Fruits Of Your Labor - while being entirely UNWORTHY!


    On your back!

  2. That's one of my favorite movies. I thought Rowdy Roddy Piper did a good job of acting in it.

    The ethics of lying John's Ethics Board are a joke. Two of lying John's friends and financial supporters refused to recuse themselves when considering complaints about lying John. One bored board member fell asleep. It was farce in the grand tradition of farce.

    It reminds me of gangsters taking over political offices and corrupting everything that they touch.

  3. This video kinda makes me sick. Funny how Kenosha wants to send their ethics down to Racine? BAHAHAHAHAHA maybe they should take a look at this video first. The video is great, in that it shows clearly the level of corruption and UN ethical behavior happening in city hall, imagine what the other commissions and committees are like!!!

  4. It IS sick. Perhaps It should go VIRAL on You Tube? Perhaps NATIONAL media, would like to see It? It's bad enough up here, I just can't imagine this occurring In a city like Racine. I cannot imagine ANY person would not consider a financial supporter of the Mayor unqualified for the ethics board?

  5. It shows the dark side, for sure. I agree that more people need to see this. Maybe a Milwaukee news channel? I'm sure they'd love to diminish their own bad behavior by slinging some dirt our way...

  6. The dark side? Maybe Luke Skywalker can save us.

  7. Why isn't Keith Fair on the Ethics board?

    He would fit right in........
