Monday, July 1, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Happy July!


  1. wow, time is just flying by!
    youngests' birthday is in 2 1/2 weeks, my sister is getting married in 4 weeks, wow, can we slow down just a wee bit?

  2. Happy July everyone. We are in the 80's all week which is unbelievable.
    Have a great day.

  3. Suffer ‘in Succotash !
    Sorry folks, after a fine weekend, Monday’s are back with a vengeance!

    The Mamas & The Papas - Monday Monday - YouTube
    ► 3:09► 3:09

  4. Back to working on the leaking ceiling.....shit

  5. Back from yet another weekend of out of town partying. I'm wearing myself out! Discovered a bunch of new fantastic microbrews; unfortunately, the party was professionally photographed. Oh well?

    The plan is to spend today getting tasks done that require heavy brainwork. I think I've already conquored the major thinking portion. Now, on to the real dirty work....

  6. My nephew was born In July. He's a CHEAP ASS jerk. Actually three out of six are jerks, but none as bad as the one born In July.

  7. I was born in July and look how great I turned out.

  8. It says, "and tend to be demanding"!

    One of my grandsons was born on the 4th of July and yes he can be a little shit sometimes.
