Monday, July 15, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

I hate all the days of the week.


  1. Monday always comes so fast, like the fast forward button was hit on Sunday sometimes, not cool!
    Has anyone heard about some yard award thing happening Thursday morning at 8:15? My mom was nominated for some award, and the ceremony is Thursday at Monument Square. I'm trying to get out of work early so my sister and I can surprise her by being there, which would be really cool if she wins :)

  2. Hmm, lizardmom. I could find no mention of yard awards. The Racine Garden Club holds an annual garden tour, but I don't think they've done it yet this year.

    Is your mother's yard or garden exemplary?

  3. Nine shifts in a row and counting... gotta save for the few days I got to go visit parents.
    I am ragged,irritable, cranky, overworked,
    and I only get to experience bad stuff lately. Work's been hell and so has life. But that is "how I roll" I guess. No fun conversations! All work, no play.
    I have not seen the sun in 2 days.
    Long shifts have made me boring with my 16 hour days. I see no family or friends.

    "The only answer is to become your own best friend." I am always available for that! "WE" will start having fun and doing a few things. People will like to talk to "us" again because "we" will have made our own lives and can do anything at the drop of a hat. Yes...I think I am pretty damn interesting and fun. Besides "ME" and "MYSELF"... I may just add "I".

    What a trio!

  4. Oh... BTW... I still get no respect.

    A "symbol of love" could be also a
    flower, as I told HIM. He said
    he could do that! He left and came back WITH A BAG OF FLOUR. He then told me I better get to baking some cookies NOW and prefers Betty Crocker over me anyday.

    What happened to loving men? aaaah
    gone forever, I think.

  5. On Saturday our thermometer hit 100 degrees. On Saturday afternoon, our air conditioner quit. Hubby got it working again until the morning and then it quit. That's the bad news.
    The good news is yesterday it was 71 and raining most of the day. Today pretty much the same thing.

    We think it's the fan which is a cheap fix, although nothing that has broken down lately was a cheap fix.


  6. BLB, Funny about the Flower/Flour.

    Since I really don't know you, but do know you provide an important service to PEOPLE In physical crisis. Remember, you do what you do, because your special. ONLY special people can dedicate themselves to your kind of work, that really doesn't offer many rewards other than the very occasional THANKS. Keep on rolling, I would BET your family, and friends understand!!! I'm too damn old, but would love to ride along, and just watch you do your job. I'll bet you could have overseen the building of "The bridge over the river Kwai"

  7. Well Toad...Thank You again!!!
    You are wonderful for even saying those things. My family is used to it and it is "old hat" to them.
    They do not see it as special...just good ol' Mom.

    I sure wish more people were like you. A thank you goes a long way...
    not that I'm NEEDY. Just tired and spend too much time fun. That's the way it goes...the cookie has crumbled.

  8. Well sh@@. Got to work and went to make the coffee and what did I see - a roach. With little roaches all around. Got the little ones but the mama is eluding me. Not for long.

  9. The mama has been exterminated.

  10. Wow, you've all been busy! I sleep in late one day and miss the party.

    BLB, let HIM know about the old saying, "Men are like streetcars... stand on the corner and another one comes along," and that doesn't refer to women of illicit behavior. If he doesn't appreciate you enough to throw you a crumb once in awhile, find your own crumb and keep looking.

    Mary, shake your purse before you leave. Where there is one roach, there is more.

    I was in Insomniac city last night. Didn't make it to bed until today.

  11. kk... thank you for that great advice...a little secret I will post one time. That was not meant to incriminate a certain person.
    It is partly a true story.... but the rest I embellished for the sake of humour. I love to blog on
    stuff to that nature. In real life
    no such story exists, other than a mere joke about a cymbal that he possesses. Then I got a brainy idea that I should become a female
    Rodney Dangerfield just for laughs.
    That is where it took me.

    I will probably be posting more of this humor as I think of it.

    Unfortunately, I will, in honesty have to defend HIS innocence there.
    And , BTW, I do agree that there are Plenty O' Men.
    But "Iain'tgottimefordat" !!!

  12. Mary smoked a "ROACH" ...hahahahahahah

  13. Good news - the a/c has been fixed and it is running smoothly. Too afraid to turn it off right now even though temps are in the 70's.

    More good news - 3 inches of rain in the past two days and more coming. Sweet!

  14. Standing on the street corner does kinda sound fun.... kk, maybe I can teach you that special lean
    up against the building with my
    stilletto on the wall... unless you got a better idea...

  15. BLB, You mention "Thank You" going a long way. I worked for the same company for 38 years, and I could count on one hand the times someone said Thank You. For a few years I was the supervisor of the machine shop, and on Friday's I handed the checks out. To each and every person that earned It, I said THANK YOU for doing a good job. A person once told me, "It doesn't cost a penny to say hello, or thank you. People should try It some time.

  16. Hello, Monday! Late to the party.

    Mary, treat under the sinks...all water sources.

    Yucky things.

    Warm here, but not as hot as normal. Yay.

  17. Boss got the Ortho out and sprayed the entire office. There is a restaurant right next door so we knew this could (and would) happen.

  18. Orbs, my mom was slated to be part of the garden tour the last couple years but every year they skip her house as parking is as issue. She lives right on hy 38 just outside of Husher, the shoulders aren't very wide, and they felt it was unsafe to encourage alot of people to try parking along there. I don't know as that it is related to the garden tour, I think the fancy name has the word 'beautification' as part of it? it's supposed to be Thursday, from 8:15-9ish AM

  19. Hey Liz, You must know the Gasts? The Gravely and Simplicity dealer, after the deadly curve, on 38.

  20. lizardmom, got it: Greater Racine in Bloom accepting beautification nominations through July 6

    Judges from America in Bloom will be there for the celebration Thursday.

    Mary, it's good that your a/c is fixed. I hope your boss got all the roaches.

    BLB, thank you for being you. Those long shifts will get you after awhile.

    Toad, when I managed an auto repair shop, I said thanks to the technicians regularly. I praised their work.

  21. It's broke again. Now it won't go on. Someone is quite cranky and it's not me.

  22. Thank you....You are welcome.....Have a nice day....You look great....Great idea....Great job....
    Flower power/Flour power....Betty Crocker....Betty Boop....Nice blog

    OKAY.....I'm done

  23. It's too hot....It's too cold....Too sunny....Too cloudy.... need's too's too dry....Need orkin....Need orbs

    OKAY....I;m done again

  24. We all had such a great online pity party.... I think we should have a real PITY PARTY for the next JTI THING.

  25. thanks Orbs :) She tried downplaying it but I know she's quite proud to be recognized. She is always working on her yard, about 1/3 of it is quite amazing, people(random strangers) frequently just stop to look and are always invited for a tour.
    Toad, I know the place but not the people that run it. They are still in business, which is nice to hear, when so many other places can't hang in there.
