Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

"The Yellow Rose of Texas is the only girl for me."


  1. yesterday was surprisingly productive. Today, busy, not as productive but definitely busy. I love having the windows open and airing out the house without threat of rain or heat, gorgeous out there!

  2. My eyes won't close.... :(

  3. No sleep yet for me either. Hope I sleep until noon.

    I have to add a yellow rose Bush. I have red, pink and white. The roses are loving this weather. The blooms are massive in number and the fragrance is amazing. Takes forever to prune the spent flowers, though, when there are so many.

  4. I ain't got no time for that. Pruning and all that cutting....
    need a professional for all that.
    Who can afford that. I'm sick of the rain cause too much yard work.

  5. Happy Tuesday everyone. We are having such beautiful weather down here. Can't wait to get out and enjoy it.
    Have a great day everyone.
